---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is an FSM that controls the SD Card interface circuitry. -- -- On reset, the FSM will initiate a predefined set of commands in an attempt to connect to the SD Card. -- When successful, it will allow commands to be issued to the SD Card, otherwise it will return a signal that -- no card is present in the SD Card slot. -- -- NOTES/REVISIONS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity Altera_UP_SD_Card_Control_FSM is generic ( PREDEFINED_COMMAND_GET_STATUS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1001" ); port ( -- Clock and Reset signals i_clock : in STD_LOGIC; i_reset_n : in STD_LOGIC; -- FSM Inputs i_user_command_ready : in std_logic; i_response_received : in STD_LOGIC; i_response_timed_out : in STD_LOGIC; i_response_crc_passed : in STD_LOGIC; i_command_sent : in STD_LOGIC; i_powerup_busy_n : in STD_LOGIC; i_clocking_pulse_enable : in std_logic; i_current_clock_mode : in std_logic; i_user_message_valid : in std_logic; i_last_cmd_was_55 : in std_logic; i_allow_partial_rw : in std_logic; -- FSM Outputs o_generate_command : out STD_LOGIC; o_predefined_command_ID : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); o_receive_response : out STD_LOGIC; o_drive_CMD_line : out STD_LOGIC; o_SD_clock_mode : out STD_LOGIC; -- 0 means slow clock for card identification, 1 means fast clock for transfer mode. o_resetting : out std_logic; o_card_connected : out STD_LOGIC; o_command_completed : out std_logic; o_clear_response_register : out std_logic; o_enable_clock_generator : out std_logic ); end entity; architecture rtl of Altera_UP_SD_Card_Control_FSM is -- Build an enumerated type for the state machine. On reset always reset the DE2 and read the state -- of the switches. type state_type is (s_RESET, s_WAIT_74_CYCLES, s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND, s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_TRANSMITTED, s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_RESPONSE, s_GO_TO_NEXT_COMMAND, s_TOGGLE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND, s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK, s_GENERATE_COMMAND, s_SEND_COMMAND, s_WAIT_RESPONSE, s_WAIT_FOR_CLOCK_EDGE_BEFORE_DISABLE, s_WAIT_DEASSERT, s_PERIODIC_STATUS_CHECK); -- Register to hold the current state signal current_state : state_type; signal next_state : state_type; ------------------- -- Local signals ------------------- -- REGISTERED signal SD_clock_mode, waiting_for_vdd_setup : std_logic; signal id_sequence_step_index : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal delay_counter : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal periodic_status_check : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- UNREGISTERED begin -- Define state transitions. state_transitions: process (current_state, i_command_sent, i_response_received, id_sequence_step_index, i_response_timed_out, i_response_crc_passed, delay_counter, waiting_for_vdd_setup, i_user_command_ready, i_clocking_pulse_enable, i_current_clock_mode, i_user_message_valid, i_last_cmd_was_55, periodic_status_check) begin case current_state is when s_RESET => -- Reset local registers and begin identification process. next_state <= s_WAIT_74_CYCLES; when s_WAIT_74_CYCLES => -- Wait 74 cycles before the card can be sent commands to. if (delay_counter = "1001010") then next_state <= s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND; else next_state <= s_WAIT_74_CYCLES; end if; when s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND => -- Generate a predefined command to the SD card. This is the identification process for the SD card. next_state <= s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_TRANSMITTED; when s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_TRANSMITTED => -- Send a predefined command to the SD card. This is the identification process for the SD card. if (i_command_sent = '1') then next_state <= s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_RESPONSE; else next_state <= s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_TRANSMITTED; end if; when s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_RESPONSE => -- Wait for a response from SD card. if (i_response_received = '1') then if (i_response_timed_out = '1') then if (waiting_for_vdd_setup = '1') then next_state <= s_GO_TO_NEXT_COMMAND; else next_state <= s_RESET; end if; else if (i_response_crc_passed = '0') then next_state <= s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND; else next_state <= s_GO_TO_NEXT_COMMAND; end if; end if; else next_state <= s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_RESPONSE; end if; when s_GO_TO_NEXT_COMMAND => -- Process the next command in the ID sequence. if (id_sequence_step_index = PREDEFINED_COMMAND_GET_STATUS) then next_state <= s_TOGGLE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY; else next_state <= s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND; end if; when s_TOGGLE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY => -- Now that the card has been initialized, increase the SD card clock frequency to 25MHz. -- Wait for the clock generator to switch operating mode before proceeding further. if (i_current_clock_mode = '1') then next_state <= s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND; else next_state <= s_TOGGLE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY; end if; when s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND => -- Wait for the user to send a command to the SD card if (i_user_command_ready = '1') then next_state <= s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK; else -- Every 5 million cycles, or 0.1 of a second. if (periodic_status_check = "010011000100101101000000") then next_state <= s_PERIODIC_STATUS_CHECK; else next_state <= s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND; end if; end if; when s_PERIODIC_STATUS_CHECK => -- Update status every now and then. next_state <= s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND; when s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK => -- Activate the clock signal and wait 8 clock cycles. if (delay_counter = "0001000") then next_state <= s_GENERATE_COMMAND; else next_state <= s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK; end if; when s_GENERATE_COMMAND => -- Generate user command. If valid, proceed further. Otherwise, indicate that the command is invalid. if (i_user_message_valid = '0') then next_state <= s_WAIT_DEASSERT; else next_state <= s_SEND_COMMAND; end if; when s_SEND_COMMAND => -- Wait for the command to be sent. if (i_command_sent = '1') then next_state <= s_WAIT_RESPONSE; else next_state <= s_SEND_COMMAND; end if; when s_WAIT_RESPONSE => -- Wait for the SD card to respond. if (i_response_received = '1') then if (i_response_timed_out = '1') then next_state <= s_WAIT_DEASSERT; else next_state <= s_WAIT_FOR_CLOCK_EDGE_BEFORE_DISABLE; end if; else next_state <= s_WAIT_RESPONSE; end if; when s_WAIT_FOR_CLOCK_EDGE_BEFORE_DISABLE => -- Wait for a positive clock edge before you disable the clock. if (i_clocking_pulse_enable = '1') then next_state <= s_WAIT_DEASSERT; else next_state <= s_WAIT_FOR_CLOCK_EDGE_BEFORE_DISABLE; end if; when s_WAIT_DEASSERT => -- wait for the user to release command generation request. if (i_user_command_ready = '1') then next_state <= s_WAIT_DEASSERT; else if (i_last_cmd_was_55 = '1') then next_state <= s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND; else -- Send a get status command to obtain the result of sending the last command. next_state <= s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND; end if; end if; when others => -- Make sure to start in the reset state if the circuit powers up in an odd state. next_state <= s_RESET; end case; end process; -- State registers. state_registers: process (i_clock, i_reset_n) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then current_state <= s_RESET; elsif (rising_edge(i_clock)) then current_state <= next_state; end if; end process; -- Local FFs: local_ffs:process ( i_clock, i_reset_n, i_powerup_busy_n, current_state, id_sequence_step_index, i_response_received, i_response_timed_out, i_allow_partial_rw) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then SD_clock_mode <= '0'; id_sequence_step_index <= (OTHERS => '0'); periodic_status_check <= (OTHERS => '0'); waiting_for_vdd_setup <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(i_clock)) then -- Set SD clock mode to 0 initially, thereby using a clock with frequency between 100 kHz and 400 kHz as -- per SD card specifications. When the card is initialized change the clock to run at 25 MHz. if (current_state = s_WAIT_DEASSERT) then periodic_status_check <= (OTHERS => '0'); elsif (current_state = s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND) then periodic_status_check <= periodic_status_check + '1'; end if; if (current_state = s_RESET) then SD_clock_mode <= '0'; elsif (current_state = s_TOGGLE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY) then SD_clock_mode <= '1'; end if; -- Update the ID sequence step as needed. if (current_state = s_RESET) then id_sequence_step_index <= (OTHERS => '0'); elsif (current_state = s_GO_TO_NEXT_COMMAND) then if ((i_powerup_busy_n = '0') and (id_sequence_step_index = "0010")) then id_sequence_step_index <= "0001"; else if (id_sequence_step_index = "0110") then if (i_allow_partial_rw = '0') then -- If partial read-write not allowed, then skip SET_BLK_LEN command - it will fail. id_sequence_step_index <= "1000"; else id_sequence_step_index <= "0111"; end if; else id_sequence_step_index <= id_sequence_step_index + '1'; end if; end if; elsif (current_state = s_WAIT_DEASSERT) then if (i_last_cmd_was_55 = '0') then -- After each command execute a get status command. id_sequence_step_index <= PREDEFINED_COMMAND_GET_STATUS; end if; elsif (current_state = s_PERIODIC_STATUS_CHECK) then id_sequence_step_index <= PREDEFINED_COMMAND_GET_STATUS; end if; -- Do not reset the card when SD card is having its VDD set up. Wait for it to respond, this may take some time. if (id_sequence_step_index = "0010") then waiting_for_vdd_setup <= '1'; elsif ((id_sequence_step_index = "0011") or (current_state = s_RESET)) then waiting_for_vdd_setup <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; -- Counter that counts to 74 to delay any commands. initial_delay_counter: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, i_clocking_pulse_enable ) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then delay_counter <= (OTHERS => '0'); elsif (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if ((current_state = s_RESET) or (current_state = s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND))then delay_counter <= (OTHERS => '0'); elsif (((current_state = s_WAIT_74_CYCLES) or (current_state = s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK)) and (i_clocking_pulse_enable = '1')) then delay_counter <= delay_counter + '1'; end if; end if; end process; -- FSM outputs. o_SD_clock_mode <= SD_clock_mode; o_generate_command <= '1' when ((current_state = s_GENERATE_PREDEFINED_COMMAND) or (current_state = s_GENERATE_COMMAND)) else '0'; o_receive_response <= '1' when ((current_state = s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_RESPONSE) or (current_state = s_WAIT_RESPONSE)) else '0'; o_drive_CMD_line <= '1' when ( (current_state = s_WAIT_PREDEFINED_COMMAND_TRANSMITTED) or (current_state = s_SEND_COMMAND)) else '0'; o_predefined_command_ID <= id_sequence_step_index; o_card_connected <= '1' when (id_sequence_step_index(3) = '1') and ( (id_sequence_step_index(2) = '1') or (id_sequence_step_index(1) = '1') or (id_sequence_step_index(0) = '1')) else '0'; o_resetting <= '1' when (current_state = s_RESET) else '0'; o_command_completed <= '1' when (current_state = s_WAIT_DEASSERT) else '0'; o_enable_clock_generator <= '0' when (current_state = s_AWAIT_USER_COMMAND) else '1'; o_clear_response_register <= '1' when (current_state = s_REACTIVATE_CLOCK) else '0'; end rtl;