Index of /~delliott/cmpe490/appnotes/2012w/Audio_Codec_G2
CREATED BY: Group 2 (Eric, Kyle, Peter -- Midi Synthesizer)
This is our audio codec controller for the DE2/DE1 Board (As they both use the same audio codec). A large chunk of the code was from the altera forums, and the i2c controller and AV setup were from the demonstrations folder of the /opt/atera subdirectory. We wrote a lot of glue code, removed some useless code, and added in a demo song (mary had a little lamb).
This code is quite simple to use. After setting up your toplevel file, you add all of the components that we need to use, which include: I2C_AV_Config , delayCounter , audioPLL , adc_dac_controller, and all of the other components that your total system uses
Main Power: SW(0)
Change Wave: Key(2) Will cycle through all 3 waves (sin,square,sawtooth)
Run Demo: Key(1) Hitting this key will step through the demo song one note at a time