The following candidates have been nominated for CSPS Member-At-Large:


Brief biographies of the candidates are posted here and in the Online Forums.

These positions will become effective January 1st, 2004; and also at that time, Gordon McKay begins his term of President.

Duties of the CSPS Executive Council officers are outlined in the Bylaws.


David Dolphin, Ph.D.
David Dolphin is the Vice-President, Technology Development at Quadra Logic Technologies and Professor of Chemistry and the QLT/NSERC Industrial Research Professor in Photodynamic Technologies at the University of British Columbia. Before joining QLT, he was the Acting Dean of Science at UBC and he was the Acting V.P. Research at UBC 1999-2000. He is an internationally recognized expert in the areas of porphyrin chemistry and biochemistry and has been instrumental in the development of drugs for photodynamic therapy. He is the author and editor of eighteen books on spectroscopy, chemistry and biochemistry, has published over 390 research papers, and holds numerous patents. Dr. Dolphin is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Chemistry and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He was elected a Guggenheim Fellow in 1980 and awarded a D.Sc. from his alma mater of Nottingham University in 1982. In 1990 he was awarded the Gold Medal in Health Sciences by the Science Council of British Columbia, was the 1993 recipient of the Syntex Award of the Canadian Institute of Chemistry and in the same year he was the recipient of the Bell-Canada Forum Award. He was awarded an Izaak Walton Killam Research Prize in 1996. He was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2001. He recently received the Prix Galien 2002, the Friesen Rygiel Prize, and in 2002 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.


Lakshmi P. Kotra, Ph.D.

Lakshmi Kotra is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and is cross-appointed to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. Dr. Kotra is the Director and a founding Executive Committee member of the Molecular Design and Information Technology Center at the University of Toronto, and founding member of Toronto Area Drug Discovery Discussion Group (TAD3). Dr. Kotra received his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in 1997 and received postdoctoral training at Wayne State University before accepting the faculty position at the University of Toronto in 2000. Dr. Kotra is a recipient of Rx&D Health Research Foundation Research Career award (2001-06), and GlaxoSmithKline/CSPS Early Career award in 2003. Dr. Kotra serves on three editorial boards, and one CIHR peer-review committee. Dr. Kotra's research interests focus in the areas of drug design, medicinal chemistry, understanding protein/nucleic acid-small molecule interactions and structure-based chemogenomics, and his research program is funded by CIHR, Rx&D, CFI and OIT.


Micheline Piquette, Ph.D.

Micheline Piquette is Associate Professor in the University of Toronto. She received her B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Alberta. She was post doctorate fellow in biopharmaceutics at the University of California at San Francisco and has been a faculty member of the University of Toronto since 1996. She has been chair of the Pharmacogenetics & Molecular Pharmacology Section and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. She has received a 5-year Rx&D Health Research Foundation/CIHR Research Career Award. She was a “Mentor of the Millennium” of the Alberta Women’s Science Network (2000). She has been a recipient of the Piafsky Young Investigator Award of the Canadian Society of Clinical Pharmacology (2002) and the University of Alberta Horizon Award (2003). Her investigations are conducted in areas of molecular pharmacokinetic and cancer research and are funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research.


Jasmine Prucha, M.Sc.

Jasmine Prucha is currently Director of Sales, Pharmaceutical Division at Gattefossé Canada Inc. She joined the company in 1997 and was named to her current position in 2000. She has Canada-wide responsibility for specialty ingredients and technologies used in the pharmaceutical industry. Jasmine has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, both earned at McGill University in Montreal. Her master’s research focused on protein chemistry and on the isolation and characterization of vegetable proteins. After graduation, she spent three years at McGill University as a Research Assistant in the Animal Science and Food Science Departments. During this period, she conducted independent research, and helped supervising undergraduate and graduate student research laboratories. Jasmine Prucha’s industrial career began in 1989 when she joined a specialty scientific instruments company selling thermal analytical and X-ray diffraction instrumentation to academic and industrial research facilities. She has since held sales positions in other disciplines including specialty chemicals, nutraceuticals, cosmetic actives and pharmaceutical excipients. She draws from these experiences to bridge knowledge from multiple disciplines and enjoys working with academic researchers in faculties of pharmacy as well as formulation scientists working in industry in the areas of developing new dosage forms and new drug delivery technologies. Jasmine is an active member of CSPS and has been promoting the society’s goal of fostering scientific excellence and innovation in Canada. Her company is fully committed to support Jasmine to help the Society play a role in being a strong voice for pharmaceutical scientists in Canada. Her personal goal is to help increase membership in CSPS from both the pharmaceutical and biotechnology communities.


Mahiuddin Talukdar, Ph.D.

Mahiuddin Talukdar is Senior Research Scientist at Pharmascience Inc. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Pharmacy from the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh, and M.Sc. (1991) and Ph.D. (1997) degrees in Pharmaceutical Science from the Vrije Unversiteit Brussel and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, respectively, in Belgium. He was an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics in the University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, and then Post doctorate Research Fellow in the University of Toronto. He was Analyst-Supervisor at Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc. before accepting his present post. He is author of 14 research articles and abstracts in the area of controlled-release oral drug delivery system development published in refereed journals.


Kishor M. Wasan, Ph.D.

Kishor M. Wasan is an Associate Professor & Chair of Pharmaceutics and National Director of the Canadian Summer Student Research Program at the University of British Columbia. He has published over 80 peer-review articles and 120 abstracts in the area of lipid-based drug delivery and lipoprotein-hydrophobic drug interactions. Dr. Wasan was awarded the 2001 AAPS New Investigator Award/Grant in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutics Technologies sponsored by Pfizer Central Research and the 2002 Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada AstraZeneca New Investigator Research Award. Furthermore, he received the 2001/2002 University of British Columbia Killam Teaching Prize in Pharmaceutical Sciences. In January 2001, with funding from the Merck Company Foundation, he established a Canadian Summer Student Research Program for Undergraduate Pharmacy Students. Dr. Wasan's research is supported by several grants from The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, several pharmaceutical companies and the National Cancer Institute of Canada-Clinical Trials Group.


Elected As President of CSPS

Gordon McKay, Ph.D.

Gordon McKay received his BSc and Ph.D. degrees in biochemistry from the University of Saskatchewan. After a brief postdoctoral training period in pharmaceutical science, he was appointed as a research associate and adjunct professor of pharmacy in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan and a principal investigator in the Drug Metabolism, Drug Disposition Research Group headed by Dr. Kamal K. Midha at this same institution. The research group received the first program grant awarded by the Medical Research Council to a College of Pharmacy and the first ever awarded to the University of Saskatchewan. This research was renewed for a total of 11 years after which the group began to focus on collaborative research with the pharmaceutical industry and has continued in this regard for almost 25 years. Dr. McKay was awarded fellowship in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1994 and was one of the founding members of the Canadian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences on whose executive he now holds a position. He is a scientific organizer for numerous scientific meetings including the Bioanaltyical Validation meetings, the Tandem Mass Spectrometry Workshops held annually for the last 15 years and BioInternational. He has served on the editorial board for J.Pharm.Sci., has been a member of the Pharmaceutical Sciences review committee for MRC, and has served on numerous University Boards and Committees. Dr. McKay has published more than 165 original scientific publications and authored more than 200 scientific presentations. Currently he is the chief executive officer for a new not for profit research institute at the University of Saskatchewan which is focused on collaborative research with the pharmaceutical industry aimed at discovering, developing and training in the areas of pharmaceutical science.


Gordon Mckay’s Statement On The Directions Of CSPS

As the president of the Canadian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (CSPS) it would be my intention to continue to build on the excellence that our annual scientific meeting has achieved and our journal, "Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaaceutical Sciences", has reached, and to foster growth in our newer initiatives including the continued support for our early career scientists and students. The establishment of local interest groups and chapters also has my support as we move forward. Over the past seven years, we have had support from all of our stakeholders including scientists from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies. This must continue and be expanded. We have a healthy membership in terms of total numbers each year but it tends to be transient with different members appearing each year. I intend to establish a membership committee to make sure that our members stay with us and that CSPS will continue to grow as more scientists recognize the importance of belonging to the society. Our relationships with sister organizations are also very healthy and expanding. This is an area I intend to further work in terms of true cooperation especially with the Association of Faculties of Pharmaceutical Sciences, (AFPC) and with other societies, intending to hold joint activities. I fully endorse the practice of having the annual meeting occur in different locations in Canada and view this as an opportunity to highlight our "champions" of pharmaceutical science as we move from east to west across Canada. I look forward to an exciting tenure as president and shall welcome and hope for input from all members.


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