Civel War and Sulla's Victory
Cinna's Italy
- Three years of peace: 86-84
- Cinna not exactly liked by senatorial oligarchy, but still legitimate
- After Sulla's victory this period called one of oppression
- What to do with Sulla?
- Oulawed in Rome
- Wary negotiations
- Cinna killed by rebellious troops in 84
- Sulla resolves to return by violence
Civil War
- Sulla invades Italy in 83
- Many senators go over to him
- The anti-Sullan magistrates are the "legitimate" government
- Marius' young son elected consul for 82
- Sulla's veteran troops superior to newly raised units of loyalists
- Sulla triumphs at Colline Gate (outside Rome)
- Marius commits suicide
- Holdout loyalists (including consul) hunted down
- Sulla elected dictator
- Office not used in more than century
- No time limit
- "for restoring the state"
- Bloodbath regularized as formal list of enemies
- "Proscription"
- Those listed could be killed with impunity
- Property of proscribed confiscated
Sullan Settlement
- Strips tribunes of powers
- Increases # of magistrates
- Eight praetors
- 20 quaestors
- Restores courts to senate
- Tries to return control of political system to senate
- Can't undo own precedent of using military force to get his way in politics
- V. vindictive
- Helps friends
- Kills enemies
- Confiscated land to veterans
- Sulla resigns as dictator in 79, soon dies
- Sulla's heritage determines political parties for rest of Republic
- Many revere him for benefits or success
- Many embittered by his vindictivenesss
- Populares opposed to Sulla's arrangments
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