C. Gracchus
C. Sempronius Gracchus
- Brother of Ti.
- Tr. pl. 123
- Self-conscious reformer
- Passes a number of laws
- Vengeance against those who opposed Ti.
- Popillius Laenas exiled for violating legal rights of Gracchan supporters as consul of 132
- New form of extortion court
- Juries of equites (wealthiest non-senators)
- Limit on price of grain
- For support of urban plebs
- Re-elected as tr. pl. for 122
- Attempts to pass law granting citizenship to Italian allies
- Wealthy allies want vote, right to run for office
- Others want citizens' protections against Roman officials
- Much opposition, law rejected
- Nobles control present electoral system
- Regular citizens jealous of privileges
- C. defeated for re-election
- Rioting during assembly to repeal one of his laws in 121
- Gracchans seize Aventine to avoid fate of Ti.
- Consul has "final decree" passed
- Use of violence now "official"
- Military force used to suppress Gracchans
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