First Paper Assignment

Due Date: In class on Jan. 28

T. Livius (known in English as Livy) lived 64 BC -AD 17 and wrote a long history of Rome from the foundation of the city down to his own day. He started composing this history in the 30s BC towards the end of the many years of civil war that led to the demise of the Roman Republic. His history was based on the works of his literary predecessors, and because his style was considered superior to theirs, only his history has survived antiquity (and only in part). After reading the preface to Livy's history, write a 3-4 page paper (max. word length: 1400), based strictly on this reading (that is, without consulting any outside work), describing Livy's purpose in writing a history of Rome and the methods that he says he will use in composing it. In writing your paper you may wish to consider such questions as

Basically, what is expected of you is a close reading and interpretation of Livy's introduction laying out his purposes in writing history. You have no need to read any outside material, but if you do, you have to be sure to cite this in an appropriate manner; failure to do so would constitute plagiarism, a serious academic offense.

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