C O N F E R E N C E S  

Modern perspectives of VOAs I, May 2, 6 and 9 in 2019


1. Naoki Genra: Coset construction of W-algebras and Wakimoto representations

2. David Ridout: A higher rank fractional level VOA

3.  Matt Rupert: Representation Theory of restricted unrolled Quantum Groups

4. Aniket Joshi: Hecke operators on vector-valued modular forms

5. Terry Gannon: And now something completely different

6. Jinwei Yang: Reconstructing vertex algebras from tensor categories of type A

7. Thomas Creutzig: Stable VOA equivalences

8. Nitin Chidambaram: W-algebras in enumerative geometry

9. Wolfgang Riedler: Rectangular W-algebras at boundary admissible level

10. Chun Chen: on boundary states for N=1 super Virasoro

Modern perspectives of VOAs II, November 12 and 14 in 2019


1. Drazen Adamovic: Affine Vertex Algebras, collapsing levels and representation theory

2. Terry Gannon: Finite VOA extensions

3. Andrew Schopieray: Prime factoriaztion of WZW simple current extensions

4. Raphael Belliard:

5. Matt Rupert: Projective modules for affine sl(3) at level -3/2

6. Thomas Creutzig: Gluing Vertex Algebras and VOA extensions

7. Jinwei Yang: Tensor categories beyond admissible levels

8. Naoki Genra: Triality of W-algebras