Criminology and Sociology of Criminal Law
The Critical Criminology (American Society of Criminology) Division

Cultural Studies, Media
Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center
The Media and Communications Studies Site

Demography and Population Studies
CERN/ANU - Demography & Population Studies
Louisiana Population Data Center
Statistics Canada (English) - Statistique Canada (Français)
U.S. Census Bureau

Feminism and Women's Studies
Feminism and Women's Resources
Feminist Activist Resources on the Net
National Capital FreeNet / Libertel de la Capitale nationale, Ottawa, Canada

American Journal of Sociology
American Sociological Review
Annual Review of Sociology
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters
Journal of Asian and African Studies
Journal of Developing Societies
Journal of Mundane Behavior
Social Problems
Social Forces
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Sociological Research Online
Teaching Sociology
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Sociology of Knowledge
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Professional Societies and Associations
The American Sociological Association
British Sociological Association
International Sociological Association
Society for Applied Sociology
Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association

Sociology of Religion
The University of Chicago Divinity School
The Center for the Study of Religion (Princeton)
The Source

Research Centres and Institutes
Scientific and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper

Science, Technology, and Society
STS Links from the NSCA Program on Science, Technology, & Society
Sociology of Science

Social Change, Social History
Social Change
British Columbia History Internet / WWW Page

Norbert Elias and Process Sociology
Literature and Process Sociology
Ernest Gellner Resource Page
Anthony Giddens Homepage
The George Herbert Mead Project
Marxism and Marxist Theory
The Marxism Page
Marx and Engels Archive
Resources on Antonio Gramsci
Georg Simmel Online (in German)
Collected Works (in German)
Max Weber (in German)
Verstehen: Max Weber's Home Page
Weberian Sociology of Religion
Research Methods
Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
Other Useful Resource Sites
The Socioweb
WWW Virtual Library: Sociology
Sociology Cafe
Research Resources for the Social Sciences
Princeton University Resources Links (Includes list of U.S. Sociology Departments)
SocioSite: Going Dutch Sociology

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