To advertise a position here, contact the editor, Jim Conley, for rates: jconley@trentu.ca
Carleton University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position in criminology and criminal justice in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the rank of Assistant Professor to commence July 1, 2001. The appointment is subject to final budgetary authorisation. The successful candidate will participate in the teaching of courses offered by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology which form part of the University's inter-departmental undergraduate programs in criminology and criminal justice (offered in conjunction with the Departments of Law and Psychology), and of the Department's own undergraduate programs. The Department also offers graduate courses in criminology, and criminal justice forms a sub-field within the Department's doctoral program in sociology. Ability to contribute to the Department's graduate programs, to other substantive offerings within the Department, as well as to the teaching of the Department's various theoretical and methodological courses, will be considered an advantage. The successful candidate will have a completed doctorate in sociology or a cognate discipline or program, an established record of publications, and will have demonstrated superior ability as a teacher.
A letter of application, stating research and teaching interests, together with a curriculum vitae, examples of two pieces of published or professionally commissioned work, any available teaching evaluations, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three referees, should be sent to:
John Shepherd,
Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology,
Carleton University, 1
125 Colonel Bay Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6;
e-mail John_Shepherd@carleton.ca.
At the same time, candidates should arrange to have their three referees forward supporting letters to the same address.
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Carleton University is committed to equality of employment for women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. Persons from these groups are encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2000. |
Concordia University
Up to Three Tenure-Track Positions
Our Department of Sociology and Anthropology invites applications for up to three tenure-track positions in sociology. We are particularly interested in candidates with research and teaching strengths in one or more of the following areas: contemporary theory; social inclusion/exclusion; subjectivity and socialization; culture and representation; and social movements. We are also interested in developing our strength in visual sociology-anthropology and multimedia. Applicants should have a PhD and an active research program, and must be prepared to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. A working knowledge of French is an asset. The deadline for applications is 15 November, 2000.
Dr. Anthony Synnott
Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Department of Sociology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Assistant Professor/Lecturer (Tenure Track)
Applications are invited for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor or Lecturer, depending on qualifications, to commence July 15, 2001. The person appointed should have an expertise in, and will be expected to teach, in at least one of the following areas: criminology, health, gender, quantitative methods, population studies, social gerontology. The successful candidate should be willing to supervise honours and graduate students. Applicants are expected to have a completed Ph.D at the time of the appointment, but applicants who are ABD with a record of scholarly publications may be considered. The closing date for the application is December 15, 2000. Salary will be determined according to qualifications and experience, as stipulated by the collective agreement. The position is subject to budgetary approval.
Applicants should mail or fax their curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier, and two examples of written work (either published or unpublished but at least one must be single authored), as well as the names and addresses of three referees, to:
Dr. Robert H. Hill
Head, Department of Sociology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland
A1C 5S7
Fax: (709) 737-2075
Electronic Mail: rhill@mun.ca
Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the educational and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to almost 16,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John's, a very safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.
Memorial University is committed to employment equity. In accordance with Canadian immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Windsor
Senior Faculty Position
The University of Windsor invites applications for a Senior Faculty position in Sociology & Anthropology in the area of Criminology at the rank of Associate or Full Professor commencing July 1, 2001. Applications are invited for both ranks.
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers BA level programs in Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology, Planning, and Family and Social Relations, and an MA program in Sociology. The department is distinguished by excellent research and teaching records, high student interest in our programs, and community-based research alliances. A proposal for a new PhD program in Sociology, specializing in Social Justice, is currently under review. For further information, please visit our website at http://www.uwindsor.ca/socanth.
Applicants must possess a Ph.D with a specialization in Criminology and have a strong research and teaching record appropriate for appointment at the rank of Associate or Full Professor. Administrative experience and the ability to supervise graduate students employing quantitative methodologies would be an asset.
The successful candidate would be joining a strong department whose faculty have an excellent record of funded research and publications, and which has been given an "invest" rating by the University of Windsor through a Five Year Plan process. The Criminology programme is supported by six Criminologists and five additional faculty in Sociology and Anthropology who contribute to the Criminology programme. We are now looking for a senior faculty member who can help support the full development of Criminology within our department.
Applications will include: a letter of application indicating citizenship/resident status; a curriculum vitae; sample of scholarly work; and three current letters of reference forwarded by the referees. International candidates are encouraged to apply.
To ensure full consideration, complete applications, including letters of reference, should be submitted by November 30, 2000 to:
Dr. Lynne Phillips, Chair, Search Committee
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
Phone: 519.253.3000, Ext. 2190, Fax: 519.971.3621
E-mail: lynnep@uwindsor.ca
The University of Windsor, one of Ontario's leading academic institutions, provides "the degree that works," an innovative and student-focused approach which prepares its graduates for the challenges of tomorrow. Information about the University of Windsor and its programs may be found at http://www.uwindsor.ca. Also visit our website at http://www.uwindsor.ca/facultypositions.
Social Theory
Department of Sociology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Three-Year Contractual Appointment
Applications are invited for a three-year contractual appointment at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor commencing January 1, 2001. The person appointed should have an expertise in, and will be expected to teach, classical and modern social theory, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate should be willing to supervise honours and graduate students. Applicants are expected to have a completed Ph D at the time of the appointment, but applicants who are ABD with a record of scholarly publications may be considered. The closing date for the application is October 31, 2000. Salary will be determined according to qualifications and experience, as stipulated by the collective agreement. The position is subject to budgetary approval.
Applicants should mail or fax their curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier, and two examples of written work (either published or unpublished but at least one must be single authored), as well as the names and addresses of three referees, to:
Prof. Ron Schwartz
Chair of Recruitment Committee
Department of Sociology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland
A1C 5S7
Fax: (709)737-2075
Electronic Mail: ronald3@mun.ca
Memorial University is the largest university in Atlantic Canada. As the province's only university, Memorial plays an integral role in the educational and cultural life of Newfoundland and Labrador. Offering diverse undergraduate and graduate programs to almost 16,000 students, Memorial provides a distinctive and stimulating environment for learning in St. John's, a very safe, friendly city with great historic charm, a vibrant cultural life, and easy access to a wide range of outdoor activities.
Memorial University of Newfoundland is committed to employment equity. In accordance with Canadian immigration regulations, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. |
York University
Division of Social Science
Tenure-track Position
York University, Faculty of Arts, Division of Social Science invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in Communication Studies, beginning 1 July 2001. The Division is mandated to provide undergraduate general education, as well as Honours B.A. degrees through several interdisciplinary programs, one of which is Communication Studies.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Communication (or related discipline) or equivalent degree, demonstrated excellence in research, publication, and teaching, and an ability to teach in interdisciplinary programs. The successful candidate will contribute to the York/Ryerson Graduate Programme in Communication and Culture, and should have a substantive focus on the following areas related to the study of communication and culture: communication and cultural policy (international and/or domestic); cultural industries; media history. This position may carry tenure at the outset if appropriate.
Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching and research interests, and a sample publication, and to have three referees send letters of reference to:
Dr. Craig Heron, Chair
Division of Social Science
S756A Ross
York University
4700 Keele St.
North York, Ontario M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5054
Fax: (416) 736-5574
DEADLINE: Friday 1 December 2000
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
For many years, York University has had a policy of employment equity including affirmative action for women faculty and librarians. Recently, York has included racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples in its affirmative action program. Persons who are members of one or more of these three groups are encouraged to self identify during the selection process. Please note that candidates from these three groups will be considered within the priorities of the affirmative action program only if they self identify. The Division of Social Science welcomes applications from women, racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples. If you require additional assistance, please call the affirmative action office at (416) 736-5713.
All appointments are subject to budgetary approval |
Urban Studies
York University
Division of Social Science
Tenure-stream Position
York University, Faculty of Arts, Division of Social Science invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in Urban Studies at the assistant professor level commencing 1 July 2001. The Division is mandated to provide undergraduate general education, as well as Honours B.A. degrees through several interdisciplinary programs, one of which is Urban Studies.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and must demonstrate a promise of excellence in research and publication, a strong competence in undergraduate teaching, an ability to teach in interdisciplinary programs, and a potential to teach at the graduate level. They should have a specialization in "third-world" or post-colonial urbanism, and be prepared to direct courses that comprehensively introduce urban studies and that focus on research methods in the urban field.
Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and a sample publication, and to have three referees send letters of reference to:
Craig Heron, Chair
Division of Social Science
S756 Ross Building
York University
4700 Keele St
Toronto M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5056
Fax: (416) 736-5574
DEADLINE: Friday 1 December 2000
For many years, York University has had a policy of employment equity including affirmative action for women faculty and librarians. Recently, York has included racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples in its affirmative action program. Persons who are members of one or more of these three groups are encouraged to self identify during the selection process. Please note that candidates from these three groups will be considered within the priorities of the affirmative action program only if they self identify. The Division of Social Science welcomes applications from women, racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples. The affirmative action program can be found on York's web site at http://www.yorku.ca or a copy can be oftained by calling the affirmative action office at (416) 736-5713.
All appointments are subject to budgetary approval. |
Business and Society
York University
Division of Social Science
Tenure-stream Position
York University, Faculty of Arts, Division of Social Science invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in Business and Society at the assistant professor level commencing 1 July 2001. The Division is mandated to provide undergraduate general education, as well as degrees through several interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs, one of which is Business and Society.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and must demonstrate a promise
of excellence in research and publication, a strong competence in undergraduate
teaching in both large and small-group settings, an ability to teach in interdisciplinary programs, and a potential to teach at the graduate level. They should have research interests in the interrelationship of economy, state, and society in Canada and its global context (political economy, public policy, business ethics, and so on) and an ability to direct interdisciplinary courses that explore business activities in their social, economic, political, and cultural context for the Business and Society Program.
Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and a sample publication, and to have three referees send letters of reference to:
Craig Heron, Chair
Division of Social Science
S756 Ross Building
York University
4700 Keele St
Toronto M3J 1P3
Telephone: (416) 736-5056
Fax: (416) 736-5574
DEADLINE: Friday 1 December 2000
For many years, York University has had a policy of employment equity including affirmative action for women faculty and librarians. Recently, York has included racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples in its affirmative action program. Persons who are members of one or more of these three groups are encouraged to self identify during the selection process. Please note that candidates from these three groups will be considered within the priorities of the affirmative action program only if they self identify. The Division of Social Science welcomes applications from women, racial/visible minorities, persons with disabilities and aboriginal peoples. The affirmative action program can be found on York's web site at http://www.yorku.ca or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at (416) 736-5713.
All appointments are subject to budgetary approval. |
Department Of Sociology
Queens University
Sociological Theory
The Department of Sociology at Queen's University invites applications from excellent teachers and researchers for a tenure-track appointment at the assistant professor rank, commencing July 1, 2001. The Department is seeking a specialist in a broad range of sociological theory who is able to teach core theory courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates should possess a PhD degree in Sociology. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Queen's University is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, gay men and lesbians.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, should be sent to Dr. Annette Burfoot, Chair of Appointments Committee, Department of Sociology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6. Applicants should also arrange for three reference letters to be sent to the same address. The closing date for receipt of applications is October 13, 2000. The Department offers BA, MA and PhD degrees in Sociology.
Further information about the Department and University is available on the World Wide Web at http://info.queensu.ca.
Sociology Position
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Ethnic and Race Relations
The University of Toronto at Scarborough, Division of Social Sciences, invites applications for a budget-approved, full-time tenure-stream position in Sociology at the Assistant Professor level, to commence 1 July 2001. The successful candidate will have a research and teaching interest in Ethnic and Race Relations, and will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in this area. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Sociology by the time of appointment; successful teaching experience, especially in large classes will be considered an asset. The University of Toronto at Scarborough has a diverse student body, and is located in the City of Toronto where there are about 80 ethnic groups speaking over 100 different languages and dialects.
The closing date for applications is 31 October 2000. Send applications with curriculum vitae, samples of publications or writing, plus evidence of teaching ability, and provide names, addresses (including e-mail) of three referees to:
The Chair,
Division of Social Sciences,
University of Toronto at Scarborough
1265 Military Trail
Toronto, Ontario
In accordance with its Employment Equity Policy, the University of Toronto encourages applications from qualified women and men, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.
This position is not restricted to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants.
The line to that effect in the previous version of this ad appeared in error.
The University of Calgary
Department of Sociology
Academic Position
Social Inequality
The University of Calgary, Department of Sociology invites applications for a full-time tenure-stream position at the rank of assistant professor effective July 1, 2001. We seek a specialist in structured social inequality with an active, productive research program and a teaching interest in the area. Applicants should also be prepared to teach at least one of the department's required undergraduate courses in the areas of social theory, statistics, or research methods. A completed Ph.D. at the time of appointment, a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching, and a demonstrated record of obtaining research funding and high research productivity or the demonstrable potential to develop such a record are required. The Department has nearly 400 undergraduate majors, and offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees. Applicants may find more information on the Department at its website: www.soci.ucalgary.ca.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, a statement of interests, current and projected research activities, a sample of written work, and any available teaching evaluations should be sent by November 1, 2000 to the following address. Applicants should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to the same address or fax number.
Richard A. Wanner, Head
Department of Sociology
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2N 1N4
Fax: (403) 282-9298
In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates and encourages diversity.
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