Call for Papers

The Spiritual Supermarket
Religious Pluralism and Globalisation in the 21st Century:
The Expanding European Union and Beyond
London, UK
April 19-22, 2001

This international conference will be an opportunity for scholars and others from around the world to share their insights about the perceptions, reactions and adaptations of individuals, religions and secular institutions to the growing diversity to be found within and across the countries of the world.

Call for papers for speakers from a broad range of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, social psychology, history of religion, law, religious studies and theology.

Themes may include:

  • the emergence of and changes in new religions and new ways of 'doing' religion;
  • the relationship between new and old religions; societal responses to religious diversity and pluralism;
  • religious pluralism and identity formation; the effects of global processes on religion.

Papers must be written and presented in English. Abstracts of 100-200 words and a short c.v. should be sent as soon as possible, but definitely before December 31, 2000 to:

Information Network Focus on Religious Movements INFORM
London School of Economics
Houghton St., London WC2A 2AE, UK

For further information, please email INFORM :