Call for Contributions
International Sociology

Since I took over the Editorship of International Sociology, a number of initiatives have been taken to promote library subscriptions in Eurasia and the United States, and to organize thematic special issues, for which I asked the help of the Research Committees (ISA Bulletin, 77 Fall 1998). The second thematic special issue is in print (a double issue on Globalization) and, according to Sage Publications, the subscription figures have begun to rise since last November. Where we remain weak in quantitative and qualitative terms, however, is in the area of individual submissions.

The ISA has over fifty Research Committees which hold some thirty meetings every year. As the ISA membership journal, International Sociology is the natural venue for the publication of the best papers presented at the meetings of the Research Committees. I therefore appeal to the ISA membership to give us the privilege of first refusal, and to the Presidents of the RCs to develop the habit of encouraging the authors of one or two papers at each of their meetings to submit them to International Sociology, or of sending the papers to us directly with a note of recommendation. One good paper from each RC will be more than enough to fill the entire four issues of the journal for the year, and should assure the excellence of International Sociology to which we all aspire.

Said A. Arjomand, Editor International Sociology
Department of Sociology
State University of New York
Stony Brook, New York 11794-4356, USA
Phone: 1-631-632-4371
Fax: 1-631-632-4361