Contents Volume 19, Number 2, 1994 Special Issue on Moral Regulation vii Editor's introduction by Mariana Valverde 145 " A social structure of many souls": moral regulation, government and self-formation by Mitchell Dean 169 Textile prison: discourse on shame (lajja) in the attire of the gentlewomen (bhsadramhila) in colonial Bengal by Himani Bannerju 195 They rule by sympathy: The feminization of pedagogy by Kari Dehli 217 Almost anything can happen: A search for sexual discourse in the urban spaces of 1940s Toronto by Mary Louise Adams 233 Manhunts and bingo blabs: the moral regulation of Ontario single mothers by Margaret Little Commentary and debate/Commentaire et d‚bat 249 Undoing the overdone state by Philip Corrigan Book Reviews/Comptes rendus 257 Paul Anisef and Paul Axelrod, eds., Transitions: Schooling and Employment in Canada by Scott Davies 259 K. Ishwaran, ed., Family and Marriage: Cross-cultural Perspectives by Jane Synge 260 Ray D. Bollman, ed., Rural and Small Town Canada by Peter McGahan 262 C. David Naylor, ed., Canadian Health Care and the State: A Century of Evolution S.E.D. Shortt, ed., Medicine in Canadian Society: Historical Perspectives by Robert W. Hetherington 264 George Melnyk, ed., Riel to Reform: A History of Protest in Western Canada by Edward Bell 266 John Borneman, Belonging in the Two Berlins: Kin, State, Nation by Robin Ostow 268 Jill LeClair, Winners and Losers: Sport and Physical Activity in the '90s by David Whitson 270 Hebert C. Northcott, Aging in Alberta: Rhetoric and Reality by Neena Chappell 272 Bob Beamish, Marx, Method, and the Division of Labour by Keith Graham 273 Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in American Culture by Benton Johnson 276 Kay J. Anderson, Vancouver's Chinatown: Racial Discourse in Canada, 1875-1980 by Graham E. Johnson 278 Robert Silverman and Marianne O. Nielsen, eds., Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Criminal Justice by Robert Menzies 281 Eleanor E. Maccoby and Robert H. Mnookin, Dividing the Child: Social and Legal Dilemmas of Custody by Sharon McIrvin Abu-Laban 283 Ann Duffy and Norene Pupo, Part-Time Paradox: Connecting Gender, Work and Family by Pam Sugiman 286 Albert J. Mills and Peta Tancred, eds., Gendering Organizational Analysis by Joseph Smucker 292 Keith Tester, Civil Society by Thelma McCormack 294 Meg Stacey, ed., Changing Human Reproduction: Social Science Perspectives by Cecilia Benoit Books Received/Livres recus
Contents Volume 19, Number 3, Summer 1994 v The Authors 303 Paradigm conflict in the sociology of service professions: Midwifery as a case study by Cecilia Benoit 331 In search of resistance and rebellion among high school dropouts by Scott Davies 351 Continuity and change in Canada's unemployment-immigration linkage (1946-1993) by John W.P. Veugelers and Thomas R. Klassen Notes on the Discipline/Notes sociologique 371 Karl Mannheim and surrender-and-catch: An essay in autobiographical history of ideas by Kurt H. Wolff Review Essay/Essai critique 379 Voices on national divorce by Simon Chodak Book Reviews/Comptes rendus 391 Pauline B. Bara and Eileen Geil Moran, Violence Against Women: The Bloody Footprints by Katharine D. Kelly 393 Dawn H. Currie and Brian D. MacLean, eds., Re-Thinking the Administration of Justice by W. Gordon West 394 Dorothy E. Chunn, From Punishment to Doing Good: Family Courts and Socialized Justice in Ontario, 1880-1940 by Maeve McMahon 397 Nico Stehr and Richard V. Ericson, eds., The Culture and Power of Knowledge: Inquiries into Contemporary Societies by Hermann Strasser 399 J. F. Conway, Debts to Pay by Gary Teeple 401 Alice H. Cook, Val R. Lorwin and Arlene Caplan Daniels, The Most Difficult Revolution: Women and Trade Unions by Julie White 403 Liz Stanley and Sue Wise, Breaking Out Again: Feminist Ontology and Epistemology by M. Ann Hall 405 John A. Hann and I. C. Jarive, eds., Transition to Modernity: Essays on Power, Wealth and Belief by Elvi Whittaker 406 Sharon R. Kaufman, The Healer's Tale: Transforming Medicine and Culture by B. Gail Frankel 408 Paula J. Caplan, Lifting a Ton of Feathers, A Woman's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World by Jane Gordon 410 Jeff Hearn, Men in the Public Eye: The Constructiona and Deconstruction of Public Men and Public Patriarchies by Marilyn Porter 411 E. Ann Kaplan, Motherhood and Representation: The Mother in Popular Culture and Melodrama by Stephen D. Williams 413 Leslie Johnston, The Rebirth of Private Policing by Philip C. Stenning 417 Reinhard Kreckel, Politische Soziologie der sozialen Ungleichheit by Bernd Baldus 419 Elspeth Probyn, Sexing the Self: Gendered Positions in Cultural Studies by Mariana Valverde 420 Lynn Segal, Slow Motion: Changing Masculinities, Changing Men by Marc Grenier 425 Ute Gerhardt, ed., Talcott Parsons on National Socialsim by William Buxton 427 Margery Wolf, A Thrice Told Tale: Feminism, Postmodernism & Ethnographic Responsibility by Susan Heald 430 Robert J. Sampson and John H. Laub, Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points Through Life by Robert A. Silverman New Books/Livres recus
Contents Volume 19, Number 4, Fall 1994 iii Author Index v Special Readers ix The Authors 441 The Changing Image of the State: The Case of Alcohol Regulation in Briish Columbia, 1871-1925 by Mimi Ajzenstadt 461 Canadian Sociology's First Textbook: C.A.Dawson and W.E. Gettys's An Introduction to Sociology(1929) by Richard C. Helmes-Hayes Research Notes/Note de recherche 499 Educational Attainment and Timing of Childbearing Among Recent Cohorts of Canadian Women: A Further Examination of the Relationship by Margaret L. De Wit Commentary/Debate 513 Canada's Unemployment-Immigraiton Linkage: Demographic, Economic, and Political Influences by David K. Foot 525 Canadian Immigration Policy in the Early 1990s: A Commentary on Veugelers and Klassen's Analysis of the Breakdown in the Unemployment-Immigration Linkage by Alan B. Simmons 535 Canadian Immigration Policy: A Reply to Foot and Simmons by John W.P.Veugelers and Thomas R. Klassen Book Review/Comptes rendus 541 Bernard Barber, Social Studies of Science by Christopher Nichols 543 Clyde W. Barrow, Critical Theories of the State: Marxist, Neo-Marxist, Post-Marxist by R. James Sacouman 544 Ulrich Beck, Risk Society, Towards a New Modernity Trans. from the German by Mark Ritter, and with an Introduction by Scott Lash and Brian Wynne by William Leiss 548 Franco Crispe, Social Action and Power by Jennifer DeRose 550 Anthony Giddens, The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies by Leslie J. Miller 554 Bryan S. Green, Gerontology and the Social Construction of Old Age by Jeanette A. Auger 556 Martyn Hammersley, What's Wrong With Ethnography? Methodological Explorations by James T. W. Marks 561 R. Allan Hanson, Testintg Testing: Social Consequences of the Examined Life by Janet M.C. Burns 564 Evelyn Fox Keller, Secrets of Life-Secrets of Death: Essays on Language, Gender and Science by Annette Burfoot 567 Brian McHale, Constructing Postmodernism by Barry Smart 569 Volker Mega and Nico Stehr (eds.), Knowledge and Politics: The Sociology of Knowledge Dispute by Richard Ashcraft 571 Derek Sayer, Capitalism and Modernity: An Excursus on Marx and Weber by Ed Grabb 572 Paddy Scannell, Phillip Schlesinger, and Colin Sparks (eds.), Culture and Power: A Media, Culture and Society Reader by Rob Sheilds 573 Andrew Wernick, Promotional Culture: Advertising, Ideology and Symbolic Expression by Andrew M. Osler Books Received/Livres r‚cus
Contents Volume 20, Number 1, Winter 1995 v The Authors/Les auteurs 1 The Intragenerational Occupational Task Mobility of Men and Women by Michael C. Manley 31 Leaving Parental Homes in Canada: Effects of Family Structure, Gender, and Culture by John Z. Zhao, Fernando Rajulton, and Zenaida R. Ravanera 51 Changes in the Structure of Life Courses and the Decline of Social Capital in Canadian Society: A Time Series Analysis of Property Crime Rates by Ross Macmillan Notes on Society/R‚flexion sur la soci‚t‚ 81 What Happened in Cairo? A View from the Internet by Nathan Keyfitz Note on the Discipline/Note sociologique 91 Sixty Years Since Marienthal by Paul Neurath Book Reviews/Comptes rendus 107 Alan Dawley, Struggles for Justice: Social Responsibility and the Liberal State by Janet M.C.Burns 110 Laureen Snider, Bad Business: Corporate Crime In Canada by Vladislav A. Tomovic 111 Haxel Croall, White Collar Crime by Vladislav A. Tomovic 113 Edward C. Lehman, Jr., Gender and Work: The Case of the Clergy by Winnie Tomm 116 Arthur Kroker, Spasm: Virtual Reality, Android Music, Electric Flesh by J.S.Pinter 119 Gerhard Wagner, Gesellschaftstheorie als Politische Theologie: Zue Kritik und Uberwindung der Theorien normativer Integration by Stephan Fuchs 121 R.Harley McGee, Getting It Right: Regional Development in Canada by Murray Knuttila 123 William G. Flanagan, Contemporary Urban Sociology by Raj S. Gandhi 125 John Snarey, How Fathers Care for the Next Generation: A Four-Decade Study by Lyle Larson 127 Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil by John Sorneson 129 J.P.Rushton, Race, Evolution and Behaviour by Douglas Wahlsten Books Received/Livres recus
Contents Volume 20, Number 2, Spring 1995 v The Authors/Les auteurs 143 Gender Equity or Masculine Privilege: Union Strategies and Economic Restructuring in a White Collar Union by Gillian Creese 167 Ownership and Management Position or Canadian Ethnic Groups in 1973 and 1989 by M.Reza Nakhaie 193 Origins of Canada's Wagner Model of Industrial Relations: The United Auto Workers in Canada and the Suppression of "Rank and File" Unionism, 1936-1953 by Donald M. Wells Research Note/Note de recherche 227 Soiled Identities: Anti-Foreigner Political Violence, Structural Location and Social Action in Contemporary Germany by Carol Schmid Review Essay/Essai rendu 245 The Beaver Bites Back: American Popular Culture in Canada David H. Flaherty and Frank E. Manning (eds.) by Gaile McGregor Book Reviews/Comptes rendus 253 Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley, The Opening of the Apartheid Mind by John Rex 257 T.R.Balakrishnan, Evelyne Lapierre-Adamczyk, and Karol K. Krotki, Family and Childbearing in Canada: A Demographic Analysis by Shiva S. Halli 259 Halim Barakat, The Arab World: Society, Culture and State by Parvin Ghorayshi 263 Piers Beirne, Inventing Criminology-Essays on the Rise of "Homo Criminalis" by Malin Akerstrom 265 Mary C. Brinton, Women and the Economic Miracle: Gender and Work in Postwar Japan by Adolf Ehrentraut 268 Tom Burns, Erving Goffman and Philip Manning, Erving Goffman and Modern Sociology by Caryll Steffens 270 Claude S. Fischer, America Calling: A Social History of the Telephone to 1940 by Robert Pike 272 Bonnie Haaland, Emma Goldman: Sexuality and the Impurity of the State by Gisele M. Thibault 275 Alena Heitlinger, Women's Equality, Demography and Public Policicies: A Comparative Perspective by Ellen M. Gee 277 John Laffey, Civilization and the Its Discontented by Richard W. Hadden 279 Raymond M. Leet, Doing Research on Sensitive Topics by W. McCarthy Books Received/Livres Recus
Contents Volume 20, Number 3, Summer 1995 v The Authors/Les auteurs 287 Migration and Regional Differences in Life Satisfaction in the Anglophone Provinces by John Goyder 309 Victim, Offender, and Bystander: Crime in the Sky? by M. Reza Nakhaie and Robert M. Pike 333 Going Co-Ed: Elite Private Schools in Canada by Mary Percival Maxwell and James D. Maxwell 359 The Subtle Labour Process and the Great Skill Debate: Evidence from a Potash Mine-Mill Operation by Bob Russell Review Essay/Essai critique 387 Lessons From Davis: The Sociology of Arthur Kent Davis by David A. Nock Book Reviews/Comptes critique 409 Joseph Berger and Morris Zelditch, Jr. (eds.), Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the Growth of Theory by Henri Lustiger-Thaler 410 Silviu Brucan, The Wasted Generation: Memoirs of Romanian Journey from Capitalism to Socialism and Back by Alena Heitlinger 413 Mary Buckley, Redefining Russian Society and Polity by John A. Hall 415 Brian Burtch, The Sociology of Law: Critical Approaches to Social Control by Paul S. Maxim 416 Stanley Cohen and Laurie Taylor, Escape Attempts: The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life by Sadie Plant 417 Nicholas J. Fox, Postmodernism, Sociology and Health by Robert Hetherington 420 Anthony Giddens, The Nation-State and Violence by K. Fierlbeck 423 Jacques T. Godbout, en collaboration avec Alain Caill‚, L'esprit du don by Yvette Lucas 425 David Ralph Matthews, Controlling Common Prosperity: Regulating Canada's East Coast Fishery by Anthony Davis 428 David A. Nock, Star Wars in Canadian Sociology: Exploring the Social Construction of Knowledge by Deborah Harrison Books Received/Livres recus
Contents Volume 20, Number 4, Fall 1995 v Author Index-Volume 20 vii Special Readers ix The Authors/Les auteurs 441 Cross-National Similarities in the Personal Networks of Small Business Owners: A Comparison of Two Regions in North America by Udo Staber and Howard E. Aldrich 469 Union Women in the Garment Inudstry Respond to New Managerial Strategies by Charlene Gannag‚ 497 The Nature of Concentrated Urban Poverty in Canada and the United States by Zoltan L. Hajnal 529 Employment Characteristics and Income: Assessing Gender and Age Group Effects for Canadians Aged 45 Years and Over by Julie Ann McMullin and Peri Ballantyne Book Reviews/Comptes critique 557 Peter Burke, History and Social Theory by Ludmilla Jordanova 559 Nils Christie, Crime Control as Industry: Towards Gulags, Western Style? by Thomas O'Reilly-Fleming 560 George Emery, Facts of Life: The Social Construction of Vital Statistics, Ontario 1869-1952 by Karol J. Krotki 563 Richard Gruneau and David Whitson, Hockey Night in Canada: Sport, Identities and Cultural Politics by David Robinson 565 Bonita C. Long and Sharon E. Kahn (eds.), Women, Work and Coping: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Workplace Stress by M.R.Nakhaie 568 William Meloff and David Pierce (eds.), An Introduction to Sociology by David A. Nock 571 Theodore Roszak, The Cult of Information: A Neo-Luddite Treatise on High-Tech, Artificial Intelligence, and the True Art of Thinking by Iwona Irwin-Zarecka 572 Bernard Schissel, Social Dimensions of Canadian Youth Culture by Colin Goff 574 Samuel Skipp, The Freudian Mystique: Freud, Women, and Feminism by Colin Goff 576 Anthony Synnott, The Body Social: Symbolism, Self and Society by Arthur W. Frank 586 Julie White, Sisters & Solidarity: Women and Unions in Canada by Gillian Creese Books Received/Livres recus

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