Table 2. Unstandardized and Standardized Coefficients for the Regression of Political Attitudes on Predictors
Liberalism Union Support Militancy Collectivism
b beta b beta b beta b beta
Professional/managerial = reference
Semi-professional .03 .01 .06 .02 .08 .02 .10 .02
Skilled workers .03 .01 .21*** .05 .04 .01 .08 .01
Semi-skilled workers .10 .02 .20** .04 .11 .02 .08 .01
Unskilled workers .13 .03 .19** .04 .12 .02 .14 .02
Farmers .14 .03 .04 .01 -.01 -.00 -.07 -.01
Professor = reference
Associate Professor .18** 06 .25*** .08 .31*** .08 .34*** .08
Assistant Professor .39*** .12 .32*** .09 .20* .04 .38*** .08
Lecturer/sessional .11 .01 .35** .04 -.22 -.02 .57** .05
Others -.06 -.01 .25* .03 .07 .01 .10 .01
Professional/Doctoral = reference
Comprehensive .08 .02 .14** .04 -.12 -.03 -.09 -.02
Undergraduate .08 .02 .24*** .07 -.08 -.02 .24*** .05
Publication .01 .02 -.03*** -.05 -.01 -.01 -.09*** -.11
Union Certification .01 .00 .85*** .28 .18** .04 .05 .01
Business = reference
Education .77*** .17 .44*** .09 .41*** .06 .93*** .14
Arts 1.09*** .15 .34*** .04 .43** .04 .69*** .07
Humanities 1.14*** .34 .53*** .14 .79*** .16 1.10*** .22
Social Sciences 1.05*** .31 .51*** .13 .74*** .15 .85*** .16
Sciences .45*** .16 .08 .03 .17 .04 .57*** .14
Engineering .07 .01 -.17 -.02 -.16 -.02 .30* .03
Women .21*** .06 .17*** .04 -.09 -.02 .16* .03
Francophone-Quebec .08 .02 .43*** .10 .25** .05 -.01 -.00
Under 34 = reference
35 - 44 .02 .01 .07 .02 .20 .05 .20 .04
45 - 54 -.04 -.01 .05 .02 .25* .06 .71*** .17
55 plus -.03 -.01 -.05 -.01 .15 .03 1.12*** .23
Missing cases -.14 -.04 -.03 -.01 .07 .01 .65** .11
Catholic = Reference
Protestant -.06 -.02 -..33*** -.10 -.31*** -.07 -.02 -.00
Jewish .42*** .06 .06 .01 .28 .03 .06 .01
Others .25* .04 .21* .03 -.06 -.01 .22 .03
Non-religious .56*** .21 .05 .02 .18* .05 .10 .02
Constant 3.38*** 2.15*** 3.12*** 2.21***
R2 .171 .219 .065 .083
N 3,124 5,014 4,912 4,781
* p <.05;** p < .01; *** p < .001