Guidelines for dealing with Safety Infractions:
These Include but are not limited to:
- Improper use of PPE
- Unsafe Laboratory Procedures
- Laboratory Safety Violations
1. Verbal warning / reminder
- The Person is verbally reminded of the deficiency and how to correct it.
email will be sent to the Person, PI, and Department
Chairman about repeat violation of recommended safety practices
- PI is given opportunity to correct Person’s actions.
Person is suspended from accessing the laboratory for one month
and is asked to leave immediately.
- The Person, PI,, and Department Chairman are emailed of
what has transpired and that the student is suspended from the lab.
Suspensions are
non-negotiable, with Person accepting all consequence of their actions. (E.g.
missed deadlines, papers, etc.)
Re-entering the lab while
under suspension or continued violations beyond the third instance will be
referred to the Department and / or Faculty for measures that may include up to
permanent dismissal from the laboratories or program.