Soft Material and Device Lab


Most of the publications (Journal, Invited Review, Conference, Patent) and their citation records can be found in Google Scholar: [Link] or in Scopus: [Link]

DISCLAIMER: Copyright are with the publisher of each article. These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the publisher.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: ( † Equal Contribution ) (* Corresponding Author )


Z. Lin†, G.A. Bacani†, H.-J. Chung*
" Humidity-assisted Fabrication of Lubricant-infiltrated, Multi-Millimeter Thick Porous Organogels for Transparent, Durable, and Self-Cleaning Films "
ACS Applied Engineering Materials 3 (2) 535–546 (2025) doi: 10.1021/acsaenm.4c00811[Link]
* [Supplementary Cover Featured Article (Volume: 3, Issue: 2)] [Link]


H.-J. Chung, R. Abraham, O.Z. Akca, R.A.M. Basodan, S. Jalali, J. Lee, Z. Lin
" Ch 5. Engineering applications of materials and structures derived from stretchable electronics "
in Stretchable Electronics: The Next Generation of Emerging Applications ed by T.B. Carmichael and H.-J. Chung
pp 135-164, De Gruyter (2024) ISBN: 9783110757286 [Link]


O.Z. Akca†, R.A.M. Basodan†, F. Flores, B. Park, H.-J. Chung*
" Laponite-Enabled Freeform Manufacturing of Tough Hydrogels with Colorimetric pH Sensitivity "
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 6 (21) 13469–13481 (2024) doi: 10.1021/acsapm.4c02989 [Link]
* [Supplementary Cover Featured Article (Volume: 6, Issue: 21)] [Link]


Md.S. Hoque, A. Saha, H.-J. Chung, P.I. Dolez*
" Hydrothermal aging behavior of high‐performance polymeric fibers: Mechanical performance at the yarn scale and chemical analysis "
Journal of Polymer Science 62 (11) 2355-2384 (2024) doi: 10.1002/pol.20230950 [Link]


N. Jen, J. Hadfield, G.M. Bessa, M. Amabili, D.S. Nobes*, H.-J. Chung*
" Low-Jacketed Elastomeric Tubes for Passive Self-Regulation of Pulsatile Flow "
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 145, 105994 (2023) doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.105994 [Link]


J. Cui, M. Labbe, H.-J. Chung, D.G. Ivey*
" Low-Temperature Tolerant Poly(acrylic Acid) (PAA) Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries "
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11, 13971-13983 (2023) doi: 10.1039/D3TA02183A [Link]


R. Abraham†, Y. Yoon†, F. Khan, S.A. Bukhari, C.-i. Kim, T. Thundat, H.-J. Chung*, J. Lee*
" Measurement of Thermal Properties of Liquid Analytes using Microfluidic Resonators via Photothermal Modulation "
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 347, 113994 (2022) doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2022.113994 [Link]


N. Jen, G. Bessa, K. Nicolson, J. Xiao, D.S. Nobes, H.-J. Chung*
" Elastomeric Tubes with Self-Regulated Distension "
iScience 25 (6) 104369 (2022) doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104369 [Link]
* Multimedia Abstract of the paper (Figure 360)[Link]


S.A. Bukhari*, R. McGee, A. Mahdavi, F. Bensebaa, L. Zhou, H.-J. Chung, T. Thundat*, A. Goswami*
" Photo-induced Multi-stable Resonance Frequency Switching of Phase Change Microstring at Room Temperature "
Advanced Electronic Materials 8 (3) 2100819 (2022) doi: 10.1002/aelm.202100819 [Link]


Md.S. Hoque, A. Saha, H.-J. Chung, P.I. Dolez*
" Hydrothermal Aging of Fire-Protective Fabrics "
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (30) 52666 (2022) doi: 10.1002/app.52666 [Link]


C.A. Braun, S.L. Nam, P. de la Mata, J.J. Harynuk, H.-J. Chung, P.I. Dolez*
" Hydrothermal Aging of Polyimide Film "
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139 (20) 52183 (2022) doi: 10.1002/app.52183 [Link]


C. Cho, S.L. Nam, P. de la Mata, J.J. Harynuk, A.L. Elias, H.-J. Chung*, P.I. Dolez*
" Investigation of the Accelerated Thermal Aging Behavior of Polyetherimide and Lifetime Prediction at Elevated Temperature "
Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 139 (15) 51955 (2022) doi: 10.1002/app.51955 [Link]


R. Basodan, B. Park*, H.-J. Chung*
" Smart Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Current PPE Needs, Opportunities for Nanotechnology and e-Textiles "
Flexible and Printed Electronics , 6, 043004 (2021), doi: 10.1088/2058-8585/ac32a9 [Link]


B. Park, Y. Lee, W. Jung, D.K. Scott, D. Aalto, H.-J. Chung, T.-i. Kim*
" Deterministically Assigned Directional Sensing of Nanoscale Crack based Pressure Sensor by Anisotropic Poisson Ratios of the Substrate "
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 9, 5154-5161 (2021) doi: 10.1039/D1TC00416F [Link]


H.-J. Chung*, A.M. Parsons, L. Zheng
" Magnetically Controlled Soft Robotics Utilizing Elastomers and Gels in Actuation: A Review "
Advanced Intelligent Systems , 3 (3) 2000186 (2021) doi:10.1002/aisy.202000186 [Link]
* Top Cited Article in Advanced Intelligent Systems in 2021-2022


S. Hatami, X. Qi, C.W. White, S.J. Bozso, S. Himmat, C. Sergi, J. Nagendran, H.-J. Chung, D.S. Nobes, D.H. Freed*
" The Position of the Heart During Normothermic Ex-situ Heart Perfusion Is Important For Preservation and Recovery of Myocardial Function "
ASAIO Journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs), 67 (11) 1222-1231 (2021) doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001386 [Link]


C. Cho, A.L. Elias, J. Batcheller, P. Dolez*, H.-J. Chung*
" Electrical conduction of reduced graphene oxide coated meta-aramid textile and its evolution under aging conditions "
Journal of Industrial Textiles , 50 (8) 1330-1347 (2021) doi:10.1177/1528083719869387 [Link]


S. Islam, D. Zhalmuratova, H.-J. Chung, C.I. Kim*
" A Model for Hyperelastic Materials Reinforced with Fibers Resistance to Extension and Flexure "
International Journal of Solids and Structures , 193-194, 418-433 (2020) doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.02.036 [Link]


D. Zhalmuratova, H.-J. Chung*
" Reinforced Gels and Elastomers for Biomedical and Soft Robotics Applications "
ACS Applied Polymer Materials , 2 (3) 1073-1091 (2020) doi:10.1021/acsapm.9b01078 [Link]


R. Abraham, F. Khan, S.A. Bukhari, Q. Liu, T. Thundat, H.-J. Chung*, C.I. Kim*
" Effect of Surface and Interfacial Tension on the Resonance Frequency of Microfluidic Channel Cantilever "
Sensors , 20, 6459 (2020) doi:10.3390/s20226459 [Link]


S.M. Maguire, H.-J. Chung, R.J. Composto*
" Ch 4. Polymer Blend Systems With an Added Solvent "
in Bijels: Bicontinuous Particle-stabilized Emulsions ed by P.S. Clegg,
pp 73-113, RSC Publishing (2020) ISBN: 978-1-78801-520-2 [Link]


S.A. Bukhari, S. Kumar, P. Kumar, S.P. Gumfekar, H.-J. Chung, T. Thundat, A. Goswami*
" The effect of oxygen flow rate on magnitude, sharpness and hysteresis of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) "
Applied Surface Science , 529, 146995 (2020) doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146995 [Link]


T.N.T. Tran, M.P. Clark, M. Xiong, H.-J. Chung, D.G. Ivey*
" A Tri-Electrode Configuration for Zinc-Air Batteries Using Gel Polymer Electrolytes "
Electrochimica Acta , 367, 136865 (2020) doi:10.1002/batt.202000054 [Link]


T.N.T. Tran, D. Aasen, D. Zhalmuratova, M. Labbe, H.-J. Chung, D.G. Ivey*
" Compositional Effects of Gel Polymer Electrolyte and Battery Design for Zinc–Air Batteries "
Batteries & Supercaps , 3 (9) 917-927 (2020) doi:10.1002/batt.202000054 [Link]


T.N.T. Tran, M.P. Clark, H.-J. Chung, D.G. Ivey*
" Effects of Crosslinker Concentration in Poly(Acrylic Acid)–KOH Gel Electrolyte on Performance of Zinc–Air Batteries "
Batteries & Supercaps , 3 (5) 409-416 (2020) doi:10.1002/batt.201900199 [Link]
* [Cover Featured Article (Volume 3, Issue 5 (May 2020))] [Link]
* Top Cited Article in Batteries & Supercaps in 2020-2021


L. Zheng, T.N.T. Tran, D. Zhalmuratova, D.G. Ivey, H.-J. Chung*
" Colorimetric Voltmeter Using Colloidal Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles as an Overpotential Alarm System for Zinc-air Batteries "
ACS Applied Nano Materials , 2 (11), 6982-6988 (2019) doi:10.1021/acsanm.9b01464 [Link] [pdf]


D. Zhalmuratova, T.-G. La, K.T.-T. Yu, A.R.A. Szojka, S.H.J. Andrews, A.B. Adesida, C.-I. Kim, D.S. Nobes, D.H. Freed, H.-J. Chung*
" Mimicking ‘J-shaped’ and anisotropic stress-strain behavior of human and porcine aorta by fabric-reinforced elastomer composites "
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 11 (36) 33323-33335 (2019) doi:10.1021/acsami.9b10524 [Link] [pdf]


T.N.T. Tran, H.-J. Chung, D.G. Ivey*
" A Study of Alkaline Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries "
Electrochimica Acta , 327, 135021 (2019) doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135021 [Link] [pdf]


L. Dan, S. Shi, H.-J. Chung, A.L. Elias*
" Porous Polydimethylsiloxane-Silver Nanowire Devices for Wearable Pressure Sensors "
ACS Applied Nano Materials , 2 (8) 4869-4878 (2019) doi:10.1021/acsanm.9b00807 [Link] [pdf]


S. Qiu†, T-G. La†, L. Zheng, C. Cho, A.L. Elias, J. Rieger, H.-J. Chung*
" Mechanically and electrically robust stretchable E-textiles by controlling the permeation depth of silver-based conductive Inks "
Flexible and Printed Electronics , 4, 025006 (2019) doi: 10.1088/2058-8585/ab2797 [Link] [pdf]


H. Charaya†, T-G. La†*, J. Rieger, H.-J. Chung
" Thermochromic and Piezocapacitive Flexible Sensor Array by Combining Composite Elastomer Dielectrics and Transparent Ionic Hydrogel Electrodes "
Advanced Materials Technology , 4 (9) 1900327 (2019) doi: 10.1002/admt.201900327 [Link] [pdf]


H. Charaya, X. Li, N. Jen, H.-J. Chung*
" Specific Ion Effects in Polyampholyte Hydrogels Dialyzed in Aqueous Electrolytic Solutions "
Langmuir , 35 (5) 1526-1533 (2019) doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02281 [Link] [pdf]
* [Supplementary Cover Featured Article (Special Issue - Zwitterionic Interfaces: Concepts and Emerging Applications)] [Link]


S. Hatami, C.W. White, M. Ondrus, X. Qi, S. Himmat, K. Cameron, D. Nobes, H.-J. Chung, J. Nagendran, D.H. Freed*
" Normothermic Ex Situ Heart Perfusion in Working Mode: Assessment of Cardiac Function and Metabolism "
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) (143), e58430 (2019) doi:10.3791/58430 [Link] [pdf]


T.-G. La†, S. Qiu†, D.K. Scott, R. Bakhtiari, J.W.P. Kuziek, K.E. Mathewson, J. Rieger, H.-J. Chung*
" Two-layered and Stretchable e-Textile Sensory Patches for Wearable Healthcare Electronics "
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 7 (22) 1801033 (2018) doi: 10.1002/adhm.201801033 [Link] [pdf]


T.N.T. Tran, S. Qiu, H.-J. Chung*
" Potassium Ion Selective Electrode Using Polyaniline and Matrix-Supported Ion-Selective PVC Membrane "
IEEE Sensors Journal, 18 (22) 9081-9087 (2018) doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2871001 [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, H. Charaya, T.N.T. Tran, B. Lee, J.-Y. Cho, H.-J. Chung*
" Direct visualization of nano and microscale polymer morphologies in as-prepared and dialyzed polyampholyte hydrogels by electron microscopy techniques "
MRS Communications, 8 (3), 1079-1084 (2018) doi: 10.1557/mrc.2018.149 [Link] [pdf]


F. Liu, H.-J. Chung, J.A.W. Elliott*
" Freezing of Aqueous Electrolytes in Zinc-Air Batteries: Effect of Composition and Nanoscale Confinement "
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1 (4), 1489-1495 (2018) doi: 10.1021/acsaem.7b00307 [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, H. Charaya, G.M. Bernard, J.A.W. Elliott, V.K. Michaelis, B. Lee*, H.-J. Chung*
" Low-Temperature Ionic Conductivity Enhanced by Disrupted Ice Formation in Polyampholyte Hydrogels "
Macromolecules, 51 (7), 2723–2731 (2018) doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b02498 [Link] [pdf]


H. Lee, M.J. Glasper, X. Li, J. Nychka, J. Batcheller, H.-J. Chung, Y. Chen*
" Preparation of Fabric Strain Sensor Based on Graphene for Human Motion Monitoring "
Journal of Materials Science, 53 (12), 9026-9033 (2018) doi: 10.1007/s10853-018-2194-7 [Link] [pdf]
* Selected as "June Finalist" of the Journal of Materials Science Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize (Monthly best paper; final result to be announced in the end of 2018)


H. Abu Damis, N. Khalid, R. Mirzavand, H.-J. Chung, P. Mousavi*
" Investigation of Epidermal Loop Antennas for Biotelemetry IoT Applications "
IEEE Access, 6, 15806-15815 (2018) doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2814005 [Link] [pdf]


L. Liu, K. Kuffel, D. K. Scott, G. Constantinescu, H.-J. Chung*, J. Rieger*
" Silicone-based Adhesives for Long-Term Skin Application: Cleaning Protocols and Their Effect on Peel Strength "
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 4, 015004 (2018) doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/aa91fb [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung*, H.Charaya, L. Liu, X. Li
" Ch 12. Tough Hydrogels: Toughening Mechanisms and Their Utilization in Stretchable Electronics and in Regenerative Medicines "
in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Interfaces: Towards Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 2 ed by M-H. Delville & A. Taubert, pp 535-580, Wiley (2018) ISBN: 978-3-527-34255-6 [Link]


T. Ghosh, H.-J. Chung*, J. Rieger*
" All-Solid-State Sodium Selective Electrode with a Solid Contact of Chitosan/Prussian blue Nanocomposites "
Sensors, 17(11) 2536 (2017) doi:10.3390/s17112536 [Link] [pdf]


L. Liu, X. Li, M. Naganori, A. L. Elias, R. Narain, H.-J. Chung*
" A pH-Indicating Colorimetric Tough Hydrogel Patch towards Applications in a Substrate for Smart Wound Dressings "
Polymers, 9(11), 558 (2017) doi:10.3390/polym9110558 [Link] [pdf]


A. Kumar†, H. Saghlatoon†, T.-G. La, M. M. Honari, H. Charaya, H. Abu Damis, R. Mirzavand, P. Mousavi*, H.-J. Chung*
" A Highly Deformable Conducting Traces for Printed Antennas and Interconnects: Silver/Fluoropolymer Composite Amalgamated by Triethanolamine "
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2 (4), 045001 (2017) doi: 10.1088/2058-8585/aa8d38 [Link] [pdf]


F. Liu, L. Zargarzadeh, H.-J. Chung, J.A.W. Elliott*
" Thermodynamic Investigation of the Effect of Interface Curvature on Solid–Liquid Equilibrium and Eutectic Point of Binary Mixtures "
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121 (40), 9452-9462 (2017) doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b07271 [Link] [pdf]


T.-G. La†, X. Li†, A. Kumar, Y. Fu, S. Yang, H.-J. Chung*
" Highly Flexible, Multi-Pixelated Thermosensitive Smart Windows Made of Tough Hydrogels "
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(38), 33100-33106 (2017) doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b08907 [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, M. M. Honari, Y. Fu, A. Kumar, H. Saghlatoon, P. Mousavi*, H.-J. Chung*
" Self-Reinforcing Graphene Coatings on 3D Printed Elastomers for Flexible Radio Frequency Antennas and Strain Sensors "
Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2, 035001 (2017) doi:10.1088/2058-8585/aa73c9 [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, L. Liu, X. Wang, Y.S. Ok, J.A.W. Elliott, S.X. Chang, H.-J. Chung*
" Flexible and Self-Healing Aqueous Supercapacitors for Low Temperature Applications: Polyampholyte Gel Electrolytes with Biochar Electrodes " Scientific Reports, 7, 1685 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01873-3 [Link] [pdf]


Y. Chen, X. Li, M. Glasper, L. Liu, H.-J. Chung*, J.A. Nychka*
" Regenerable copper mesh-based oil/water separator with switchable underwater oleophobicity "
RSC Advances, 6, 92833-92838 (2016) [Link] [pdf]


M.V. Hoang, H.-J. Chung*, A.L. Elias*
" Irreversible bonding of polyimide and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based on a thiol-epoxy click reaction "
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 26, 105019 (2016) [Link] [pdf]
* Selected as JMM's "Highlights of 2016" by Editorial Board [Link]
(among 25 best papers published in the journal out of >200 papers in 2016)


G. Constantinescu†, J.W. Jeong†, X. Li, D. Scott, K.I. Jang, H.-J. Chung*, J.A. Rogers*, J.M. Rieger
" Epidermal Electronics for Electromyography: An Application to Swallowing Therapy "
Medical Engineering and Physics, 38, 807-812 (2016) [Link] [pdf]


K.D. Harris*, A.L. Elias, H.-J. Chung
" Characteration of flexible electronic device under strain - a review on mechanical testing methods and durability enhancement strategies "
Journal of Materials Science 51, 2771-2805 (2016) [Link] [pdf]


Y. Chen, L. Liu, H.-J. Chung*, J.A. Nychka*
" Selective oil/water filter paper via a scalable one-pot hydrothermal growth of ZnO nanowires "
RSC Advances , 5, 91001-91005 (2015) [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, Y. Chen, A. Kumar, A. Mahmoud, J.A. Nychka, H.-J. Chung*
" Sponge-Templated Macroporous Graphene Network for Piezoelectric ZnO Nanogenerator "
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 7, 20753-20760 (2015) [Link] [pdf]


Y.S. Ok, S.X. Chang*, B. Gao, H.-J. Chung
" SMART Biochar Technology - A Shifting Paradigm towards Advanced Materials and Healthcare Research "
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 4, 206-209 (2015) [Link] [pdf]


X. Li, A.T. Hong, N. Naskar, H.-J. Chung*
" Criteria for Quick and Consistent Synthesis of Poly(Glycerol Sebacate) for Tailored Mechanical Properties "
Biomacromolecules, 16 (5), 1525–1533 (2015) [Link] [pdf]


T.-i. Kim*, M.J. Kim, Y.H. Jung, H. Jang, C. Dagdeviren, H.A. Pao, S.J. Cho, A. Carlson, K.J. Yu, A. Ameen H.-J. Chung, S.H. Jin, Z. Ma, J.A. Rogers*
" Thin Film Receiver Materials for Deterministic Assembly by Transfer Printing "
Chemistry of Materials, 26(11), 3502-3507 (2014) [Link] [pdf]
* [Cover Featured Article (Vol 26, Issue 14)] [Link]


L. Xu†, S.R. Gutbrod†, A.P. Bonifas, Y. Su, M.S. Sulkin, N. Lu, H.-J. Chung, K.-I. Jang, Z. Liu, M. Ying, C. Lu, R.C. Webb, J.-S. Kim, J.I. Laughner, H. Cheng, Y. Liu, A. Ameen, J.-W. Jeong, G.-T. Kim, Y. Huang, I.R. Efimov* J.A. Rogers*
" 3D Multifunctional Integumentary Membranes for Spatiotemporal Cardiac Measurements and Stimulation Across the Entire Epicardium "
Nature Communications, 5, 3329 (2014) [Link] [pdf]
* Many news agencies including NPR, ABC News, CNN, Smithsonian, National Geographic, MIT's Technology Review, New Scientist, Medical Daily, The Scientist, highlighted this work (February 28, 2014)


G. Park†, H.-J. Chung†, K. Kim, S.A. Lim, J. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, Y. Liu, W.-H. Yeo, R.-H. Kim, S.S. Kim, J.-S. Kim, Y.H. Kim, T.-i. Kim, C. Yee, J.A. Rogers*, K.-M. Lee*
" Immunologic and Tissue Biocompatibility of Flexible/Stretchable Electronics and Optoelectronics "
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3(4), 515-525 (2014) [Link] [pdf]
* Highlighted by on Sep 6, 2013. [Link]


H.-J. Chung†, M.S. Sulkin†, J.-S. Kim†, C. Goudeseune, H.-Y. Chao, J.W. Song, S.Y. Yang, Y.-Y. Hsu, R. Ghaffari, I.R. Efimov*, J.A. Rogers*
" Stretchable, Multiplexed pH Sensors With Demonstrations on Rabbit and Human Hearts Undergoing Ischemia "
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3(1), 59-68 (2014) [Link] [pdf]
* [Inside Cover Featured Article]


H. Keum†, H.-J. Chung†, S. Kim*
" Electrical contact at the interface between silicon and transfer-printed gold film by eutectic joining "
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(13), 6061-6065 (2013) [Link] [pdf]


S.-W. Hwang†, X. Huang†, J.-H. Seo, J.-K. Song, S. Kim, S. Hage-Ali, H.-J. Chung, H. Tao, F.G. Omenetto, Z. Ma, J.A. Rogers*
" Materials for bioresorbable radio frequency electronics "
Advanced Materials, 25(26), 3526-3531 (2013) [Link] [pdf]


T.-i Kim†, Y.H. Jung†, H.-J. Chung†, K.J. Yu, N. Ahmed., C. Corcoran, J.S. Park, S.H. Jin, J.A. Rogers*
" Deterministic Assembly of Releasable Single Crystal Silicon-Metal Oxide Field-Effect Devices Formed From Bulk Wafers "
Applied Physics Letters, 102, 182104 (2013) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, J. Kim, K. Ohno, R.J. Composto*
" Controlling the Location of Nanoparticles in Polymer Blends by Tuning Brush Lengths and End Groups "
ACS Macro Letters, 1(1), 252-256 (2012) [Link] [pdf]
* Most Read Article in Q1 & Q2 of 2012 and Top Most Read article in 2012 from ACS Macro Letters.


H.-J. Chung†, T.-i. Kim†, H.-S. Kim, S.A. Wells, S. Jo, N. Ahmed, Y.H. Jung, S.M. Won, C.A. Bower, J.A. Rogers*
" Fabrication of Releasable Single-Crystal Silicon–Metal Oxide Field-Effect Devices and Their Deterministic Assembly on Foreign Substrates "
Advanced Functional Materials, 21(16), 3029-3036 (2011) [Link] [pdf]
* [Front Cover Featured Article]; Highlighted by on July 6, 2011.


S. Gam, A. Corlu, H.-J. Chung, K. Ohno, M.J.A. Hore, R.J. Composto*
" A Jamming Morphology Map of Polymer Blend Nanocomposite Films "
Soft Matter, 7(16), 7262-7268 (2011) [Link] [pdf]
* Highlighted by on Aug 22, 2011.


D.-H. Kim†, N. Lu†, R. Ma†, Y.-S. Kim, R.-H. Kim, S. Wang, J. Wu, S.M. Won, H. Tao, A. Islam, K.J. Yu, T.-i. Kim, R. Chowdhury, M. Ying, L. Xu, M. Li, H.-J. Chung, H. Keum, M. McCormick, P. Liu, Y.-W. Zhang, F.G. Omenetto, Y. Huang, T. Coleman, J.A. Rogers*
" Epidermal Electronics "
Science, 333(6044), 838-843 (2011) [Link] [pdf]
* Highlighted by Z. Ma, "An Electronic Second Skin" Science 333, 830 (2011) and >1000 news articles.


J.K. Jeong, J.H. Jeong, H.W. Yang, T.K. Ahn, M. Kim, K.S. Kim, B.S. Gu, H.-J. Chung, J.-S. Park, Y.-G. Mo*, H. D. Kim, H.K. Chung
" 12.1-in. WXGA AMOLED display driven by InGaZnO thin-film transistors "
Journal of the Society for Information Display, 17(2), 95-100 (2009) [Link] [pdf]


J.K. Jeong, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo*, H. D. Kim
" Comprehensive study on the transport mechanism of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide transistors "
Journal of Electrochemical Society, 155(11), H873-H877 (2008) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, J.H. Jeong, T.K. Ahn, H. Lee, M. Kim, K. Jun, J.-S. Park, J.K. Jeong*, Y.-G. Mo, H. D. Kim
" Bulk-limited current conduction in amorphous InGaZnO Thin Films "
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 11(3), H51-H54 (2008) [Link] [pdf]


J.-S. Park, J.K. Jeong*, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo, H.D. Kim
" Electronic transport properties of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc-oxide semiconductor upon exposure to water "
Applied Physics Letters, 92(7), 072104 (2008) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, K. Ohno, T. Fukuda, R. J. Composto*
" Internal Phase Separation Drives Dewetting in Polymer Blends and Nanocomposite Films "
Macromolecules, 40(2), 334-338 (2007) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, H. Wang, R. J. Composto*
" A Morphology Map Based on Morphology Evolution in Polymer Blend Films "
Macromolecules, 39(1), 153-161 (2006) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, K. Ohno, T. Fukuda, R. J. Composto*
" Self-Regulated Structures in Nanocomposites by Directed Nanoparticle Assembly "
Nano Letters, 5(10), 1878-1882 (2005) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, A. Taubert, R.D. Deshmukh, R. J. Composto*
" Mobile Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Phase Separation Dynamics in Polymer Blend Film "
Europhysics Letters, 68(2), 219-225 (2004) [Link] [pdf]


H.-J. Chung, R. J. Composto*
" Breakdown of Dynamic Scaling in Thin Film Binary Liquids Undergoing Phase Separation "
Physical Review Letters, 92(18), 185704 (2004) [Link] [pdf]


Invited Reviews, Essays, and Book Chapters:


S.M. Maguire, H.-J. Chung, R.J. Composto
" Ch 4. Polymer Blend Systems With an Added Solvent "
in Bijels: Bicontinuous Particle-stabilized Emulsions ed by P.S. Clegg,
pp 73-113, RSC Publishing (2020) ISBN: 978-1-78801-520-2 [Link]


H.-J. Chung, H.Charaya, L. Liu, X. Li
" Ch 12. Tough Hydrogels: Toughening Mechanisms and Their Utilization in Stretchable Electronics and in Regenerative Medicines "
in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Interfaces: Towards Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 2 ed by M-H. Delville & A. Taubert, pp 535-580, Wiley (2018) ISBN: 978-3-527-34255-6 [Link]


H.D. Kim, H.-J. Chung, B. Berkeley and S.S. Kim
" Emerging Technologies for the Commercialization of AMOLED TV "
Information Display Magazine, 25(9), 18-22 (2009) [pdf]


J.K. Jeong, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo and H.D. Kim
" New Era of Oxide Thin Film Transistors for Large-Size AMOLED Display "
Information Display Magazine, 24(9), 20-23 (2008) [pdf]


R.J. Composto and H.-J. Chung
" Ch.2. Surface-Induced Structure Formation of Polymer Blends "
in Nanolithography and Patterning Techniques in Microelectroinics ed by D.G. Bucknall, Woodhead Publishing, p35-72 (2005)


Refereed Conference Proceedings (Incomplete List):


H. Saghlatoon, M.M. Honari, R. Mirzavand, P. Mousavi, A. Kumar, T.-G. LaH.-J. Chung
"A Novel Investigation on Printed Stretchable WLAN Antennas"
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2017) DOI: 10.1109/APUSNCURSINRSM.2017.8073311 [Link]


H.A. Damis, R. Mirzavand, H.-J. Chung, P. Mousavi,
"Flexible Printed Square Loop Antennas for Wearable Applications"
International Symposium in Antenna Technology (ANTEM), Montreal, QC, Canada, CA, USA, DOI:10.1109/ANTEM.2016.7550212 (2016)


J.H. Lee, H.D. Kim, C.H. Lee, H.-J. Chung, S.C. Kim, S.S. Kim,
[Invited Paper] "The technical Trend of Future AMOLED"
Proceedings of SPIE, San Diego, CA, USA, v7415, 74150O, 1-6 (2009)


H.-J. Chung H. Yang, M. Kim, J.H. Jeong, T.K. Ahn, K.S. Kim, E. Kim, J.H. Kim, J.S. Im, J.H. Choi, J.-S. Park, J.K. Jeong, Y.-G. Mo, and H.D. Kim
" Some Basic Concepts to Optimize Oxide Thin-Film Transistors for AMOLED Displays "
IMID '08 Digest, Goyang, Korea, pp1097-1100 (2008)


H.D. Kim, J.K. Jeong, H.-J. Chung, and Y.-G. Mo,
[Invited Paper] "22.1: Technological Challenges for Large-Sized AMOLED Display"
SID '08 Digest, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 291-294 (2008)


J.K. Jeong, J.-H. Jeong, J.H. Choi, J.S. Im, S.H. Kim, H.W. Yang, K.N. Kang, K.S. Kim, T.K. Ahn, H.-J. Chung, M. Kim, B.S. Gu, J.-S. Park, Y.-G. Mo, H.D. Kim, and H.K. Chung,
[Distinguished Paper] "3.1: 12.1-Inch WXGA AMOLED Display Driven by Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide TFT Array"
SID '08 Digest, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 1-4 (2008)


J.K. Jeong, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo, H.D. Kim, and H.K. Chung
[Invited Paper] "Understanding of amorphous indium-gallium-zinc oxide TFTs and Their Application for AMOLED Display "
The proceedings of the 4th International TFT Conference, Seoul, Korea, pp. 255-259 (2008)


J.K. Jeong, M. Kim, J.H. Jeong, H.-J. Lee, T.K. Ahn, H.S. Shin, K.Y. Kang, H. Seo, J.S. Park, H. Yang, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo, and H.D. Kim
" 4.1-inch Transparent QCIF AMOLED Display Driven by High Mobility Bottom Gate a-IGZO Thin-Film Transistors "
IMID '07 Digest, Daegu, Korea, pp145-148 (2007)


M. Kim, J.-S. Park, J.K. Jeong, J.H. Jeong, T.K. Ahn, H. Yang, H.J. Lee, H.-J. Chung, Y.-G. Mo, H.D. Kim
[Best Poster Award] "The Effect of Plasma Damage on Electrical Properties of Amorphous GaInZnO Film "
IMID '07 Digest, Daegu, Korea, pp. 255-259 (2007)


Russell J. Composto and H.-J. Chung
"Phase Separation Dynamics in Thin-Film Polymer Blends: Influence of Polymer COmposition and Mobile Nanoparticles "
Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 89, 117 (2003)


Patents (Granted Patents Only):


H.-J. Chung, J. Rieger, T.-G. La, S. Qiu, D. Scott
US 11849540 B2 (2023.12.19; filed 2022.4.25) (2021.4.25)


H.-J. Chung, J. Rieger, T.-G. La, S. Qiu, D. Scott
US 11343910 B2 (2022.5.24; filed 2019.6.7) (2018.6.7)


M.K. Kim, J.H. Jeong, T.K. Ahn, J.K. Jeong, Y.-G. Mo, J.-S. Park, H.-J. Chung, K.S. Kim, H. Yang
US7994500 B2 (2011.8.9; filed 2009.4.16), KR 2008-0318003 (2008.6.30)
Commissioned for: JP, CN, DE, EP, FR, GB, HU


J.-H. Ha, Y.-W. Song, J.-H. Lee, J.-H. Jeong, M.-K. Kim, Y.-G. Mo, J.-K. Jeong, H.-J. Chung, K.-S. Kim, H.-W. Yang, C.-G. Choi
US 8178884 B2 (2012.5.15; filed 2009.2.26), KR 2008-0066002 (2008.7.8)
Commissioned for: JP, CN, DE, EP, FR, GB


H.-J. Chung, M.K.Kim, J.H.Jeong, Y.-G.Mo
US 8466462 B2 (2013.6.18; filed 2009.2.11), KR 2008-0081772 (2008.8.21)
Commissioned for: JP, CN, DE, EP, FR, GB, HU


J.-S. Park, Y.-G. Mo, J.-K. Jeong, M.-K. Kim, H.-J. Chung, T.-K. Ahn
US 8436342 B2 (2013.5.7; filed 2010.1.8), KR 2009-0002242 (2009.1.12)
Commissioned for: JP, CN, DE, EP, FR, GB, TW, US


H.-W. Yang, Y.-G. Mo, J.-S. Park, M.-K. Kim, T.-K. Ahn, H.-J. Chung
US 8237168 B2 (2012.8.7; filed 2010.5.27), KR 2009-0077485 (2009.8.21)


T.-W. Kim, D.-U. Jin, H.-J. Chung, J.-S. Lee, Y.-G. Mo
US 2010/0124635 A1 (2010.5.20; filed 2009.11.17), KR 2008-0114748 (2008.11.18)


H.-J. Chung, J.-S. Park, J.-H. Jeong, J.-K. Jeong, Y.-G. Mo, M.-K. Kim, T.-K. Ahn, H.-W. Yang, K.-S. Kim, E.-H. Kim, J.-W. Kang, J.-S. Im
US 2011/0095274 A1 (2011.4.28; filed 2010.7.1), KR 2009-0102282 (2009.10.27)


M.-K. Kim, J.-H. Jeong, T.-K. Ahn, J.-K. Jeong, Y.-G. Mo, J.-S. Park, H.-J. Chung, K.-S. Kim, H.-W. Yang
US 2011/10193083 A1 (2011.8.11, filed 2011.4.21), KR 2008-0062417


H.-J. Chung
KR 0807561 (2008.2.20)