Arif Rabbani (Russel) PhD Student Geophysics, Physics Email: rabbani.phy@gmail.com Phone: +1 7808850577 Arif Rabbani (Russel) |
Vice President (Admin)
Md Delwar Sikder (Mohsin) PhD Candidate Department of Chemistry Email: mddelwar@ualberta.ca Phone: 1-780.655.0204 Md Delwar Sikder (Mohsin) |
Vice President (Finance)
Mohammad Salman Reza MSc student Department of Medicine Email: salman.geb@gmail.com Phone: 1-7806553209 Mohammad Salman Reza |
Vice President (Entertainment)
Romana Saila M.Eng Student (completed) Civil Engineering Email: saila@ualberta.ca Romana Saila |
Vice President (Sports)
Muntaseer Kainat PhD Candidate Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Email: kainat@ualberta.ca Muntaseer Kainat |
Vice President (Communication)
Kazi Tanveer Ahmed Simon PhD student Biological Sciences Email: ktahmed@ualberta.ca Phone: 1-5877086364 Kazi Tanveer Ahmed Simon |