Jakir Hasan PhD Student Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Scienc Email: mjhasan@ualberta.ca Phone: +1-780-695-2859 Jakir Hasan |
Vice President (Admin)
S. M. Ibrahim Al Rafia (Rafi) PhD Student Department of Chemistry Email: alrafia@ualberta.ca S. M. Ibrahim Al Rafia (Rafi) |
Vice President (Finance)
Vice President (Finance) Md Shahedul Amin MSc Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Email: msamin@ualberta.ca Phone: +1-780-802-7472 Md Shahedul Amin |
Vice President (Communication)
Md Shirajum Munir PhD Student Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Email: mdshiraj@ualberta.ca +1780-802-4300 Md Shirajum Munir |
Vice President (Culture)
Mirza Galib PhD Student Department of Chemistry Email: mgalib@ualberta.ca Phone: +1-780-655-0181 Mirza Galib |
Vice President (Entertainment)
Md. Faiaz Ahmed PhD Student Department of Chemistry Email: sahoque@ualberta.ca Phone: +1-780-655-0271 Md. Faiaz Ahmed |
Vice President (Sports)
Tushar Shuvra Biswas PhD Student Department of Physics Email: tbiswas@ualberta.ca Phone: +1-780-885-0644 Tushar Shuvra Biswas |