Antti Arppe's English home page
Concise information about myself
Some useful documents
My contact information
Concise information about myself:
I am
Professor of Quantitative Linguistics
in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta, where I have worked since Fall 2012.
In May 2013, I founded the
Alberta Language Technology Lab (ALTLab)
which I continue to direct, focusing on the development of language technological tools and applications for Indigenous Languages.
Starting from May 2013, I am Principal Investigator in the partnership project
21st century tools for indigenous languages
, currently funded by SSHRC for 2019-2026.
Currently, I am also the Past President of the ACL Special Interest Group on Endangered Languages (
), and the Past Chair of the Canadian Initiative for Nordic Studies (
Some useful documents
Curriculum Vitae
Older version with links to publications and presentations
Contact information
Office address (Edmonton): 4-62 Assiniboia Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E7
Home address (Edmonton): Suite 1305, 8715 104th St., Edmonton, Alberta
Telephone (In Canada): +1-780-993-5909
Telephone (In Europe): +358-50-5909015
E-mail: arppe (AT) ualberta dot ca
antti dot arppe (AT) iki dot fi
Updated 1 July 2024 by Antti Arppe