McIntosh Ecological Recovery Lab

International Boreal Forest Research Association 2021 Conference

Poster Presentation Materials

POSTER: Arrested succession? Quantifying ecological recovery on reclaimed well pads in Alberta’s boreal forests
  1. Visit the IBFRA 2021 meeting website HERE.
  2. The poster presented at the poster symposium can be found HERE.

    Publications related to the poster:

  3. Azeria ET, Santala K, McIntosh ACS, Aubin I. 2020. Plant traits as indicators of recovery of reclaimed wellsites in forested areas: slow but directional succession trajectory. Forest Ecology and Management.Link
  4. Lupardus R, Santala K, Azeria E, Aubin I, McIntosh ACS. 2020. Uncovering traits in recovering grasslands: A functional assessment of oil and gas well pad reclamation. Ecological Engineering X 100016. Link

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