McIntosh Ecological Recovery Lab
International Boreal Forest Research Association 2021 Conference
Poster Presentation Materials
POSTER: Arrested succession? Quantifying ecological recovery on reclaimed well pads in Alberta’s boreal forests
- Visit the IBFRA 2021 meeting website HERE.
- The poster presented at the poster symposium can be found HERE.
Publications related to the poster:
- Azeria ET, Santala K, McIntosh ACS, Aubin I. 2020. Plant traits as indicators of recovery of reclaimed wellsites in forested areas: slow but directional succession trajectory. Forest Ecology and Management.Link
- Lupardus R, Santala K, Azeria E, Aubin I, McIntosh ACS. 2020. Uncovering traits in recovering grasslands: A functional assessment of oil and gas well pad reclamation. Ecological Engineering X 100016. Link
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