Assalamu alaikum, Welcome to my homepage!

I am 

Omar Abdur Razzaque

I was born in Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, Canada

on 15th July, 2002.

You might want to peep into some of the fotos, instead of wondering who I am !!!

Do I look tired?

bigboy.jpg (15046 bytes) omarinstroller.jpg (17086 bytes)

On the day my mom became a Dr., 9 December, 2002

Five months

  omar smiles.jpg (19422 bytes) Omar in meditation.jpg (19639 bytes) My first Eid.jpg (9267 bytes)

Two months

Eighth week

Talking to my dad at 7th week

Sixth week 

My first week

My mom is a graduate student at the University of Alberta doing Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. 

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