% ________________________________________________________
% File          : fitPoly.m
% Purpose       : fit data in polynomials and show MATLAB
%                 built-in functions about polynomials
% Usage         : fitPoly
% Input         : -
% Output        : -
% Last Modified : August 25, 2006
% ________________________________________________________

% original polynomial
% y = 1 - 2*x + 3*x.^2 - 4*x.^3 + 5*x.^4 - 6*x.^5

% load data
load fitPoly_data.mat

% =================
% using polyfit
% =================
% -----------------
% in quadratic polynomial
p1 = polyfit(x, y, 2)

% -----------------
% in cubic polynomial
p2 = polyfit(x, y, 3)

% -----------------
% in polynomial of degree 5
p3 = polyfit(x, y, 5)

% =================
% using spline
% =================
splineInfo = spline(x,y)
% -----------------
% predict y with specific x
y_x = ppval( splineInfo, [0.2])

% display results
X = 0:0.01:1;
plot(X, polyval( p1, X), '-b',...
     X, polyval( p2, X), '-g',...
     X, polyval( p3, X), '-m',...
     X, ppval( splineInfo, X), '-.k',...
     x, y, 'or')
legend('polyfit (deg.2)',...
       'polyfit (deg.3)',...
       'polyfit (deg.5)',...
       'cubic splines',...
       'known data')

% =================
% other MATLAB built-in functions dealing with polynomials
% =================
% -----------------
% Polynomial derivative (polyder)
der = polyder( p3)

% -----------------
% Integrate polynomial analytically (polyint)
% - - - - - - - - -
% assume a constant of integration k=0
int0 = polyint( der)

% - - - - - - - - -
% use a scalar constant of integration k=1
int = polyint( der, 1)

% -----------------
% Convolution and polynomial multiplication (conv)
v = [1 5 10];
w = conv( p3, v)

% -----------------
% Deconvolution and polynomial division (deconv)
[q,r] = deconv( w, v)  % q = quotient; r = remainder


p1 =

   -4.1996    1.3125    0.7841

p2 =

  -10.0806   10.0958   -3.8185    1.0542

p3 =

   -6.0000    5.0000   -4.0000    3.0000   -2.0000    1.0000

splineInfo = 

      form: 'pp'
    breaks: [1x10 double]
     coefs: [9x4 double]
    pieces: 9
     order: 4
       dim: 1

ans =

   -3.2925    3.1183   -1.9584    0.9701
   -3.2925    1.2675   -1.1367    0.6910
  -11.2272   -0.8660   -1.0499    0.4714
   -6.9042   -1.7568   -1.1193    0.4429
   -7.2514   -2.1896   -1.2018    0.4186
  -13.7055   -3.4766   -1.5370    0.3384
  -20.0358   -9.5201   -3.4473   -0.0062
  -27.3613  -14.0070   -5.2036   -0.3249
  -27.3613  -22.1691   -8.8008   -1.0077

y_x =


der =

  -30.0000   20.0000  -12.0000    6.0000   -2.0000

int0 =

   -6.0000    5.0000   -4.0000    3.0000   -2.0000         0

int =

   -6.0000    5.0000   -4.0000    3.0000   -2.0000    1.0000

w =

  Columns 1 through 7 

   -6.0000  -25.0000  -39.0000   33.0000  -27.0000   21.0000  -15.0000

  Column 8 


q =

   -6.0000    5.0000   -4.0000    3.0000   -2.0000    1.0000

r =

   1.0e-12 *

  Columns 1 through 7 

         0         0         0         0         0         0    0.5720

  Column 8 
