Mietek Boduszynski

Mietek Boduszynski has asked me to post here “Asphaltenes, where are you?” a chapter in “Asphalt Paving Technology” printed in 1980. You can find full bibliographic data on the first page of the attached .pdf file. Mietek wrote this paper with J. McKay and D. Latham some 25 years ago. The paper suggests small molecular weight of asphaltene ‘monomer’ molecules. It is an interesting work, very much worth reading in the context of our discussion.

The material I have received was an image scan from the printed book, a huge file. I have rescanned it, using character recognition software to convert most of document from image to text. It is still a large file of 1.4 Mb. As the result of cropping out black margins on the original most of the pages are not centered and a few individual letters were cut off. I apologize for it. I have tried my best to bring the file to a manageble size.

By clicking on Boduszynski.pdf you should be able to open Mietek's paper in your Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it free of charge from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

I recommend that you save the file to your computer rather than reading it from your browser.


posted by Jan Czarnecki