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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

Programming with the UMSCameraControl

The UMSCameraControl objects is an Ultimedia Services Version 2 feature and does not apply to Ultimedia Services Version 1.2.1.

UMSCameraControl Methods

UMSCameraControl includes the following methods:

open Opens a camera device driver where it is necessary.
close Closes a camera driver where it is necessary.
set_zoom Set the zoom values for the camera. The SST camera accepts WIDE_ANGLE (1) and TELEPHOTO (100).
get_zoom Return the current zoom value.
set_pan Set the pan value for the camera. This is the lateral movement of the camera.
get_pan Return the current pan value.
set_tilt Set the tilt value for the camera. This is the vertical movement of the camera.
get_tilt Return the current tilt value.
set_fade Set the fade value for the camera. This is light to black and black to light. The SST supports FadeIn and FadeOut.
get_fade Return the current fade value.
set_focus Set the focus value for the camera. Not supported on the SST.
get_focus Return the current focus value.
set_exposure Set the exposure value for the camera. This is how much light the camera lets in. The value is a scalar and not an f stop. Setting this value overrides the automatic exposure control on most cameras.
get_exposure Return the current exposure value.
set_red_blue_balance Set the red/blue white balance values. This overrides the automatic white balance control on most cameras.
get_red_blue_balance Get the current red/blue white balance values.
set_magenta_green_balance Set the magenta/green white balance values. This overrides the automatic white balance control on most cameras.
get_magenta_green_balance Get the current magenta/green white balance values.

For introductory information, see Programming with Camera Control Objects.

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