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Ultimedia Services Version 2 for AIX: Programmer's Guide and Reference

Method Calls

UMSAudioFile object method calls include:

Object Description
open Opens one audio track and only one.
close Closes the opened audio track.
read Attempts to read the specified number of audio samples from the audio device.
write Attempts to write the specified number of audio samples to the audio device.
initialize Initializes the audio device's audio parameters.
pause Pauses the audio device.
resume Resumes the play or record of audio device.
stop Stops the audio device and discards all buffered data.
start Starts the processing of the data in the audio device.
get_state Returns the current states of the audio device.
set_sample_rate    Sets the sample rate on the audio device.
get_sample_rate Returns the current setting of sample rate.
set_bits_per_sample Sets the bits per sample on the audio device.
get_bits_per_sample Returns the current setting of bits per sample.
set_audio_format_type Sets the audio format on the audio device.
get_audio_format_type Returns the current setting of audio format.
set_number_of_channels Sets the number of channels on the audio device.
get_number_of_channels Returns the current setting of number of channels.
set_time_format Sets the timeformat that is used by the object.
get_time_format Returns the current setting of timeformat.
set_byte_order Sets the byte order of the audio data on the audio device.
get_byte_order Returns the current setting of byte order.
set_number_format Sets the number format of audio data on the audio device.
get_number_format Returns the current setting of number format.
enable_input Enables a given input connector.
disable_input Disables the specified input connector.
input_enabled Returns the status of the specified connector.
enable_output Enables a given output connector.
disable_output Disables the specified output connector.
output_enabled Returns the status of the specified connector.
set_monitor Sets monitoring mode during a record session.
get_monitor Returns the current record monitoring mode.
set_volume Sets the volume on the audio device.
get_volume Returns the current volume setting.
set_balance Sets the balance on the audio device.
get_balance Returns the current balance setting.
read_buff_size Returns the size of the read buffer.
write_buff_size Returns the size of the write buffer.
read_buff_remain Returns the amount of available space in the read buffer.
write_buff_remain Returns the amount of space available in the write buffer.
read_buff_used Returns the amount of data in the read buffer.
write_buff_used Returns the amount of data in the write buffer.
get_position Returns the amount of data processed since the last start.
play_remaining_data Plays the data in the device buffer.
save_state Saves all the current settings of the device.
restore_state Restores all the current settings of the device
enable_audio_master_settings Enables audio global setting mode
disable_audio_master_settings Disables audio global setting mode.
get_audio_device_pathname Returns the full path name of the device.
get_audio_device_master_exec Returns the path name of an executable that serves as the user interface for performing master setting function.
set_play_share_mode Sets the shared mode for play.
set_record_share_mode Sets the shared mode for record.
get_play_share_mode Returns the current setting of the shared mode for play.
get_record_share_mode Returns the current setting of the shared mode for record.

For introductory information, see Programming with Audio Device Objects.

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