To reinitialize a user-defined volume group, copy the shell script to a new file /bin/uvgrecover, edit the file as follows, and then run chmod +x /bin/uvgrecover.
After copying the shell script to /bin/uvgrecover, change the line:
odmdelete -q "value1 = 10" -o CuDvDr
odmdelete -q "value1 = $VG" -o CuDvDr
The physical volume (PV) and volume group (VG) variables on the first two lines of the script are defaulted for the rootvg volume group. The PV is set to /dev/ipldevice, which is a synonym for one of the physical volumes that is a member of the rootvg volume group. For a user-defined volume group:
lsvg `lqueryvg -vp hdisk# ` | grep GROUP
Note: The ` is a grave accent, not a single quote mark. This key is usually found above the Tab key.
PV=/dev/hdisk1 VG=uservg