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Motif and CDE 2.1 Style Guide Reference

Client Area



The client area is the application content area within a window.

Figure 5. Client Area.

View figure.

When to Use

Include a client area when designing primary and secondary windows, dialog boxes, and pop-up menus.


Place the client area directly beneath the window menu. For information on designing applications for vertical languages, see Chapter 11.

Include scroll bars when the client area is too large to be completely displayed in the window.

Include a command area, message area, window menu, and scroll bars when building client areas.

Provide split bars in a client area that is too large to be completely displayed in the window.

Scale the client area's contents with the window size borders.

Essential Related Topics

For more information, see Chapter 10 and the Primary Window, Secondary Window, View, and Viewing Area (Control) reference pages.

Supplemental Related Topics

For more information, see the Palette Area (Area), Paned Box (Control), Window Frame, and Window Menu reference pages.

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