backup File |
Copies the file system onto temporary storage media. |
bincmds File |
Contains the shell commands that process audit bin data. |
config File |
Contains audit system configuration information. |
consdef File |
Enables asynchronous tty devices to be console candidates at system boot when no console device is defined or available. |
/dev/hty File |
Defines the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter tty interface. |
/dev/rhp File |
Defines the Network Terminal Accelerator adapter raw interface. |
dir File |
Describes the format of a directory. |
distfile File |
Specifies the files to copy, destination hosts for distribution, and operations to perform when updating files to be
distributed with the rdist command. |
dsinfo File |
Contains the terminal descriptions for the Dynamic Screen utility. |
dumpdates File |
Describes the format of the dumpdates file. |
environ File |
Defines the environment attributes for users. |
environment File |
Sets up the user environment. |
/etc/group File |
Contains basic group attributes. |
/etc/passwd File |
Contains basic user attributes. |
File |
Contains extended group attributes. |
File |
Contains password information. |
events File |
Contains information about system audit events. |
.fig File |
Contains a list of F file names. |
filesystems File |
Centralizes file system characteristics. |
.forward File |
Automatically forwards mail as it is received. | File |
Contains information on the image installed during the Base Operating System installation process. |
INed Files |
Contains programs and data used by the INed program. |
inittab File |
Controls the initialization process. |
inode File |
Describes a file system file or directory entry as it is listed on a disk. |
ispaths File |
Defines the location of all databases in a library. |
isprime File |
Specifies the labels for links to primary navigation articles. |
.kshrc File |
Contains a shell script that customizes the Korn-shell environment. |
limits File |
Defines process resource limits for users. |
login.cfg File |
Contains configuration information for login and user authentication. | File |
Provides sample input to the mosy command. |
File |
Contains the default attributes for new users. |
NLSvec File |
Encodes PostScript fonts for the ISO8859-1 codeset characters that have code points of more than 127 decimal. |
ntp.conf File |
Controls how the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon xntpd operates and behaves. |
ntp.keys File |
Contains key identifiers and keys controlling authentication of Network Time Protocol (NTP) transactions. |
objects File |
Contains the audit events for audited objects (files).
File |
Provides configuration options for the rpc.pcnfsd daemon. |
portlog File |
Contains per-port unsuccessful login attempt information and port locks. |
pwdhist File |
Contains password history information. |
qconfig File |
Configures a printer queuing system. |
rc.boot File |
Controls the machine boot process. |
setup.csh File |
Sets the C-shell environment variables needed to build an InfoCrafter database. | File |
Defines the Bourne or Korn shell environment variables needed to build an InfoCrafter database. | File |
Defines the Bourne or Korn shell environment variables needed to build an InfoCrafter database. |
snmpd.conf File |
Defines a sample configuration file for the snmpd agent. |
.srf File |
Contains all the text components with hypertext information embedded. |
streamcmds File |
Contains auditstream commands. |
sysck.cfg File |
Contains file definitions for the trusted computing base. |
user File |
Contains extended user attributes. |
vfs File |
Describes the virtual file systems (VFS) installed on the system. |