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Commands Reference: W

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w Prints a summary of current system activity.
wait Waits until the termination of a process ID.
wall Writes a message to all users that are logged in.
watch Observes a program that may be untrustworthy.
wc Counts the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file.
what Displays identifying information in files.
whatis Describes what function a command performs.
whatnow Invokes a prompting interface for draft disposition.
whereis Locates source, binary, or manual for program.
which Locates a program file, including aliases and paths (the csh (C shell) command only).
which_fileset Searches the /usr/lpp/bos/AIX_file_list file for a specified file name or command. This command only applies to AIX Version 4.2.1 or later.
who Identifies the users currently logged in.
whoami Displays your login name.
whois Identifies a user by user ID or alias.
whom Manipulates Message Handler (MH) Messages.
write Sends messages to other users on the system.
writesrv Allows users to send messages to and receive messages from a remote system.
wsmserver Configures the functionality of the Web-based System Manager servers.
wtmpfix Manipulates connect-time accounting records by correcting date and time stamp inconsistencies.
wump Starts the hunt the wumpus game.

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