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fabs Subroutine | Computes the floating-point absolute value. |
fabsl Subroutine | Computes the floating-point absolute value. |
faccessx Subroutine | Determines the accessibility of a file. |
fattach Subroutine | Attaches a STREAMS-based file descriptor to a file. |
fchacl Subroutine | Changes the permissions on a file. |
fchdir Subroutine | Directory pointed to by the file descriptor becomes the current working directory. |
fchmod Subroutine | Changes file access permissions. |
fchown Subroutine | Changes file ownership. |
fchownx Subroutine | Changes file ownership. |
fclear Subroutine | Makes a hole in a file. |
fclear64 Subroutine | Makes a hole in a file. |
fclose Subroutine | Closes or flushes a stream. |
fcntl Subroutine | Controls open file descriptors. |
fcvt Subroutine | Converts a floating-point number to a string. |
fdetach Subroutine | Detaches STREAMS-based file from the file to which it was attached. |
fdopen Subroutine | Opens a stream. |
feof Macro | Checks the status of a stream. |
ferror Macro | Checks the status of a stream. |
fetch_and_add Subroutine | Updates a single word variable atomically. |
fetch_and_and Subroutine | Sets or clears bits in a single word variable atomically. |
fetch_and_or Subroutine | Sets or clears bits in a single word variable atomically. |
ffinfo Subroutine | Returns file information. |
fflush Subroutine | Closes or flushes a stream. |
ffs Subroutine | Performs bit and byte string operations. |
ffullstat Subroutine | Provides information about a file. |
fgetc Subroutine | Gets a character or word from an input stream. |
fgetpos Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fgetpos64 Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fgets Subroutine | Gets a string from a stream. |
fgetwc Subroutine | Gets a wide character from an input stream. |
fgetws Subroutine | Gets a string from a stream. |
fileno Macro | Checks the status of a stream. |
filter Subroutine | Disables use of certain terminal capabilities. |
finfo Subroutine | Returns file information. |
finite Subroutine | Determines classifications of floating-point numbers. |
flash Subroutine | Flashes the screen. |
flock Subroutine | Locks and unlocks sections of open files. |
flockfile Subroutine | Provides for explicit application-level locking of stdio (FILE*) objects. |
floor Subroutine | Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values. |
floorl Subroutine | Rounds floating-point numbers to floating-point integer values. |
flushinp Subroutine | Discards input. |
fmin Subroutine | Multiple-precision integer arithmetic. |
fmod Subroutine | Computes the modulo remainder. |
fmodl Subroutine | Computes the modulo remainder. |
fmout Subroutine | Multiple-precision integer arithmetic. |
fmtmsg Subroutine | Display a message in the specified format on standard error, the console, or both. |
fnmatch Subroutine | Matches file name patterns. |
fopen Subroutine | Opens a stream. |
fopen64 Subroutine | Opens a stream. |
fork Subroutine | Creates a new process. |
fp_any_enable Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_any_xcp Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fpathconf Subroutine | Retrieves file-implementation characteristics. |
fp_clr_flag Subroutine | Allows operations on the floating-point exception flags. |
fp_cpusync Subroutine | Queries or changes the floating-point exception enable (FE) bit in the Machine Status register (MSR). |
fp_disable Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_disable_all Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_divbyzero Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_enable Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_enable_all Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_flush_imprecise Subroutine | Forces imprecise signal delivery. |
fp_inexact Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_invalid_op Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_convert Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_infdinf Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_infmzr Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_infsinf Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_invcmp Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_snan Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_sqrt Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_vxsoft Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_iop_zrdzr Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_is_enabled Subroutine | These subroutines allow operations on the floating-point trap control. |
fp_overflow Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fp_raise_xcp Subroutine | Generates a floating-point exception. |
fp_read_flag Subroutine | Allows operations on the floating-point exception flags. |
fp_read_rnd Subroutine | Read and set the IEEE floating-point rounding mode. |
fprintf Subroutine | Prints formatted output. |
fp_set_flag Subroutine | Allows operations on the floating-point exception flags. |
fp_sh_info Subroutine | From within a floating-point signal handler, determines any floating-point exception that caused the trap in the process and changes the state of the Floating-Point Status and Control register (FPSCR) in the user process. |
fp_sh_set_stat Subroutine | From within a floating-point signal handler, determines any floating-point exception that caused the trap in the process and changes the state of the Floating-Point Status and Control register (FPSCR) in the user process. |
fp_sh_trap_info Subroutine | From within a floating-point signal handler, determines any floating-point exception that caused the trap in the process and changes the state of the Floating-Point Status and Control register (FPSCR) in the user process. |
fp_swap_flag Subroutine | Allows operations on the floating-point exception flags. |
fp_swap_rnd Subroutine | Read and set the IEEE floating-point rounding mode. |
fp_trap Subroutine | Queries or changes the mode of the user process to allow floating-point exceptions to generate traps. |
fp_trapstate Subroutine | Queries or changes the trapping mode in the Machine Status register (MSR). |
fp_underflow Subroutine | Tests to see if a floating-point exception has occurred. |
fputc Subroutine | Writes a character or a word to a stream. |
fputs Subroutine | Writes a string to a stream. |
fputwc Subroutine | Writes a character or a word to a stream. |
fputws Subroutine | Writes a wide-character string to a stream. |
fread Subroutine | Reads and writes binary files. |
free Subroutine | Provides a memory allocator. |
freeaddrinfo Subroutine | To free memory allocated by getaddrinfo. |
freopen Subroutine | Opens a stream. |
freopen64 Subroutine | Opens a stream. |
frevoke Subroutine | Revokes access to a file by other processes. |
frexp Subroutine | Manipulates floating-point numbers. |
frexpl Subroutine | Manipulates floating-point numbers. |
fscanf Subroutine | Converts formatted input. |
fscntl Subroutine | Controls file system control operations. |
fseek Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fseeko Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fseeko64 Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fsetpos Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fsetpos64 Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
fstat Subroutine | Provides information about a file. |
fstat64 Subroutine | Provides information about a file. |
fstatacl Subroutine | Retrieves the access control information for a file. |
fstatfs Subroutine | Gets file system statistics. |
fstatvfs Subroutine | Returns information about a file system. |
fstatx Subroutine | Provides information about a file. |
fsync Subroutine | Writes changes in a file to permanent storage. |
ftell Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
ftello Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
ftello64 Subroutine | Repositions the file pointer of a stream. |
ftime Subroutine | Displays, gets and sets date and time. |
ftok Subroutine | Generates a standard interprocess communication key. |
ftruncate Subroutine | Changes the length of regular files. |
ftruncate64 Subroutine | Changes the length of regular files. |
ftrylockfile Subroutine | Provides for explicit application-level locking of stdio (FILE*) objects. |
ftw Subroutine | Walks a file tree. |
ftw64 Subroutine | Walks a file tree. |
fullstat Subroutine | Provides information about a file. |
funlockfile Subroutine | Provides for explicit application-level locking of stdio (FILE*) objects. |
fwide Subroutine | Set stream orientation. |
fwprintf Subroutine | Print formatted wide-character output. |
fwrite Subroutine | Reads and writes binary files. |
fwscanf Subroutine | Convert formatted wide-character input. |
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