Setting Compiler Options - COBOL


To set the compiler options:

  1. Click on Create Makefile or select Actions->Makefile->Create Makefile from the menu-bar of the Program Builder window. The Create Makefile window appears.
  2. Select COBOL in the Create Makefile window. The COBOL window appears, containing three pane areas:

    Compilers Used to pass compiler-specific options to the compilers. These options will override the default settings.
    Levels Used to optimize code at different levels, to select the language level, and to use the Test Coverage Analyzer.
    Include Directories Used to specify an additional search path if the copybook file name listed in the COPY statement is not specified using its absolute path name, or if a library name is not specified on the COPY statement.

  3. Make any changes required by your project. To save changes in this window, click on the OK or Apply button.

For information about the available options in this window, see the COBOL Set for AIX Programming Guide.

When you build a program that contains COBOL source files containing embedded CICS statements, the Program Builder invokes the CICS preprocessor. This preprocessor generates a COBOL source program by converting embedded CICS statements to COBOL statements. The Program Builder then invokes the COBOL compiler to compile the generated COBOL source program. When a compile error is detected, you can select the error and invoke the LPEX editor to edit the source file at the line or column where the error occurred. In this case, however, the source program is the generated COBOL source program, not the original COBOL source file containing embedded CICS statements. You should examine the location of the compile error in the generated COBOL source program, and correct the error in the original COBOL source file containing the embedded CICS statements. The Program Builder will not invoke the LPEX editor on the COBOL source file containing the CICS statements. Access permissions to the generated COBOL source program are changed to read-only to imply that the file cannot be modified.

Setting Compiler Options - COBOL Compilers
Setting Compiler Options - COBOL Levels
Setting Compiler Options - COBOL Include Directories
Saving Your Configuration