Thesis Style Sheet
for LaTeX/Scientific Word Users

Given below is the link to the downloadable zip file ( When unzipped, you should get four (4) files:

  • thesis.tex : The template thesis .tex file which conforms to the U of A thesis guidelines. Make changes to the respective fields and it serves as your thesis file.
  • uathesis.sty : The University of Alberta thesis style-sheet itself. You have to put this file in the following directory:
  • sample.bib : A sample BibTex (bibliography) file which generates the citations and the references at the end. This file goes into the following directory:
  • thesis.dvi : Once you have put the .sty and the .bib file at their respective places, this is the .dvi file you should get on compilation of the .tex file.
Hope this helps!

Zipped Thesis Style Sheet/Templates