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School of Business


University of Alberta

The PDCA/PDSA Quality Circle:
Operational Steps

Yonatan Reshef
School of Business
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Remember, the PDCA is a quality improvement methodology.  It is applied against an existing process we want to improve.


Define the project. What is the quality issue you address?  Identify the work process(es) that should be improved, always beginning with the identification of customers and their needs

Describe the process. Describe the steps involved in performing work - Who does what and why?

Measure the process capability. Measure the ability of a process to produce a defect-free product or service during the normal operation of production or service environment: The average performance of the process being examined when all inputs are functioning normally. It is important to establish a baseline as a starting point to measure the changes achieved with any process improvement.

Identify the causes of defects, delays, and rework, including poor equipment, inappropriate or unclear instructions, inadequate standard operating procedures, poor direction and communication, or inadequately trained workers and managers.  Remember, employees are often locked into a system created by management (red bead experiment), which produces errors and defects.

Identify points of leverage.  Identify the places in the process that most frequently create defects, delays, and rework

Develop an improvement planSelect solutions and plan their implementation.


Implement improvement plan.  Experiment with small-scale pilot projects designed to improve the process
CHECK/TEST/STUDY Evaluate results.  If the pilot tests work, institute the new procedures throughout the organization

Monitor the new process to be sure that it helps improve performance over time

If the pilot tests do not produce expected results, explore why

ACT Repeat (standardize) the above steps and continuously improve performance


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