Advanced Perception Websites


Introduction to Vision Science
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology — website for Stephen Palmer’s book
Vision Science — internet resources for research in human and animal vision
Secrets of the Parthenon — companion website for this episode of NOVA
The Optical Illusions That Make the Parthenon Perfect — secrets uncovered by architects, archaeologists, and art historians
How Greek Temples Correct Visual Distortion — article from Architecture Revived
Foundations of Cognitive Science — online lecture notes from Dr. Michael Dawson’s PSYCO 354 website
Definitions for Theoretical Issues (from the UofA Dictionary of Cognitive Science)
  • functional architecture
  • primitive
  • Ryle’s Regress
  • cognitive penetrability
Marr’s Three Levels: A Re-evaluation — an explanation and evaluation of David Marr’s three-level approach
Vision Sciences Society — organization for vision scientists
Best Illusion of the Year — annual contest hosted by the Neural Correlate Society


Theoretical Approaches to Perception
Hermann von Helmholtz — brief bio and some of his accomplishments, from the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Silhouette Illusion — shows the spinning dancer illusion, by Nobuyuki Kayahara
Rotating cube — another bistable illusion, but made up of only 4 coplanar points
Webvision — online "book" on the organization of the retina and visual system


Review of the Action Potential — concise summary; uses animations
Neuroscience For Kids — great basic information on neuroscience; not just for kids!
Neuropsychology Central — excellent collection of links
The Whole Brain Atlas — see cross-sections of the brain, plus much more
Introductory Biological Psychology Tutorials — very useful for review purposes!
The Retina to the Cortex — from McGill’s very good site, The Brain from Top to Bottom


"Visionary" — a dictionary for the study of vision
How vision works — from
Eye, Brain, and Vision — David Hubel’s book online
Tricks of the eye, wisdom of the brain — explains how lateral inhibition works
Receptive Field Tutorial — with explanations and diagrams
Diffraction of light — explains wave properties of light
To See and Not See — Oliver Sacks’ account of Virgil (Shirl Jennings) and his struggle to see following cataract surgery
Structure from motion at equiluminance — change the luminance until the rotating sphere is just moving dots
Stepping feet — blocks appear to “step” at equiluminance (also see radial version)
Stepping Feet — another version of the stepping feet, from Stuart Anstis
Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions — many demos of lightness illusions
Mondrian generator — just click to make your own Mondrians!
Tilt Aftereffects — try this adaptation effect for yourself
How the Blind Draw — suggests common factors in perception; from Scientific American magazine


Edge Detection
Learn About LED Lighting — explains LED lighting
Edge Detection: Gradient Operators Demo — you can upload your own images to this interactive edge detection demo
Kornia Edge Detection — interactive edge detector can do Laplacian processing of edges
Canny Edge Detector — another interactive edge detector demo


Time Perception
An Odd Sense of TimingScientific American Mind article by Pascal Wallisch, from the coursepack
Time by Michio Kaku: Daytime — online video of the Time documentary
Clockwork Genes: Discoveries in biological time — online webcast, demos, and resources from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's BioInteractive
Biotiming Tutorial — covers circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake cycle, plus industrial and medical applications
How it really feels to be time-blind with ADHD — article explaining this phenomenon experienced by those with ADHD
Symphony #1 For Dot Matrix Printers — listen to this and see how fast time drags (or flies); Symphony #2 also available
The PossibilianNew Yorker article describes David Eagleman’s research on time perception
David Eagleman — David Eagleman’s academic page (and his personal website)
Brain Time — essay on time perception by David Eagleman
The Experience and Perception of Time — article on temporal experience, duration, and time perception
How your brain can control time — not really, but this Discover article does talk about time perception
Frontiers: Time Perception — listen to BBC radio program Frontiers on the topic of time perception
The Time Paradox — book about "The New Psychology of Time That Will Change Your Life"
Droodles — official home of the original Droodles
Droodology — the psychology of “doodle riddles”
Why Does Time Fly as We Get Older? — Scientific American Mind guest blog on time perception


Depth Perception
Stereoscopic Media — discusses research related to all forms of stereoscopic media, including movies and VR
The Science of Forced Perspective at Disney Parks — the Art of Engineering YouTube channel shows how various depth cues can be applied to create illusions of depth, distance, or size
The Story of Community Bridge — a “trompe l’oeil” illusion
Magic Eye — many single-image random-dot stereograms
Stereoscopic Correspondence — explains compatibility, uniqueness, and continuity with interactive examples (start with Heuristics for Correspondence, Part 1)


Visual Phenomena & Optical Illusions — 132 visual interactive illusions by Prof. Michael Bach
The Illusions Index & interactive curated collection of illusions (try to pass the Master of Illusions quiz and earn a certificate!)
Perceptual Science Group — this MIT lab has a gallery of illusions that reveal the workings of the visual system
Professor Richard Gregory — has papers on the nature of visual illusions and implications for perception
Poggendorff Illusion — example and a history of its discovery
Ponzo Illusion — interative demo proves the lines are the same!
Müller-Lyer Illusion — interactive demo
Mighty Optical Illusion — actually, they’re mostly visual illusions
Online Exhibits: Seeing — from the Exploratorium


Object Perception
magnetic ink character recognition — MICR codes are printed a the bottom of cheques
Innovations from a Robot Rally — full Scientific American article on the DARPA Grand Challenge
DARPA Urban Challenge — info on, well, DARPA’s Urban Challenge
Say Hello to StanleyWired magazine article about Stanley
Stanford Racing Team — home of Stanley & friends
The Great Robot Race — companion website for this this episode of NOVA on DARPA’s Grand Challenge
Let the Robot Drive: The Autonomous Car of the Future Is HereWired magazine on autonomous vehicles
Waymo — has videos and FAQ (formerly the Google Self-Driving Car Project)
Advanced Driving Support System — info and video from Toyota


Face Perception
Take This Quiz to See If You Are a Face 'Super-Recognizer' — this SciAm article has a link to a (20-minute) test of face perception
Prosopagnosia — FAQ about “face-blindness” from someone who has it [archived] — Prosopagnosia Research Center at Harvard University
Thatcher Illusion — flip her face!
Giuseppe Arcimboldo — includes biography and gallery
Kanwisher Lab — website of Nancy Kanwisher and colleagues
Martha J. Farah — website and list of publications for Martha Farah
TarrLab — home of the Greebles!
Object Perception Lab — home of the Perceptual Expertise Network, researching object recognition (using Greebles!)
Study explains how car fans recognize their loves — research by Isabel Gauthier on the fusiform gyrus
The Emerging Mind — V.S. Ramachandran lectures on Capgras’ Syndrome, prosopagnosia, and more, from a series of BBC Radio lectures
Face Recognition Homepage — resource site for information on face recognition — UK lab researching facial attractiveness; has online experiments
Perception and Judgment Lab: Demonstrations — Todorov’s website has a demo videos of “trustworthy” faces
Attractive Face Scale — these faces are averaged in categories based on the “Hot or Not” website


The links for this topic are posted on my blog in Anatomy of a Lecture: Part 3


Perception and Art
Andrew Lipson’s LEGO Page — check out the LEGO versions of Escher’s drawings
International Guild of Realism — promotes trompe l’oeil, photorealism, surrealism, and super-realism art styles
Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Prints — interactively change the colours of Warhol’s famous Marilyn Monroe portrait
Enigma — interactive version of Léviant’s The Enigma
Perceptual Art — the amazing art of Michael Murphy
Hybrid Images — gallery of high/low spatial frequency double images
Rotating Snakes Illusion — interactive version of Kitaoka’s illusion
From Mirror Neurons to the Mona Lisa — symposium given to the New York Academy of Sciences by Ramachandran in 2006
The Emerging Mind — V.S. Ramachandran on “the artful brain”
The Herring Gull Test — Ramachandran again, from the PBS series How Art Made the World
The neurological basis of artistic universals — Dr. Ramachandran explains his "laws of art" (archived)
Unlocking the Mysteries of The Artistic MindPsychology Today interviews Rama about his universal laws of art
The Rule of Thirds — take better photos by not centering the subject
Fibonacci Numbers and The Golden Section in Art, Architecture and Music — after a title like that, what more can I say? — info on The Golden Section, Ratio or Mean, The Divine Proportion, and The Fibonacci Series
Marquardt Beauty Analysis — Marquardt Beauty Analysis describes the “Golden Mask” and how it relates to facial beauty (?)
The Psychology of Beauty — ongoing blog on the scientific study of beauty
Making Impossible Objects with Mirrors and Dissecting the Magic behind the Looking Glass — Illusion Chasers blog posts on our trouble with mirrors
Kokichi Sugihara — cool illusions using mirrors


Food & Eating
How Sugar and Fat Trick the Brain into Wanting More Food — a look at “hedonic hunger”
Accounting for TastePsychology Today asks why some people are picky eaters and others are adventurous gourmets
The Blue Steak Experiment — podcast episode from Decoder Ring about blue food
Can music change the taste of chocolate? — take this test to find out how different sounds trick your tastebuds (chocolate not included)
The Psychology of Eating and Drinking — website for Dr. Alexandra Logue’s book
Small Plate Movement — Dr. Brian Wansink applies his research to get people to eat using smaller plates
From Mindless Eating to Mindlessly Eating Well — fun TEDx talk by Brian Wansink
The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food — explains how psychophysics can make things yummier


The Science of Magic
Sleights of Mind — companion website to the book on neuroscience and magic
Science of Magic Association — SOMA promotes research on understanding the nature, function, and underlying mechanisms of magic
Magic and the Brain: Teller Reveals the Neuroscience of Illusion — Teller explains how magic is about exploiting the gaps in human perception
ESP Experiment” — interactive Pickover test is not ESP, it’s magic!
Rob Teszka: Cognitive Psychology and Magic — video on misdirection and change blindness
Apollo Robbins at the Magic of Consciousness — video of the Gentleman Thief applying misdirection
Mind Attention and General Illusions in Cognition Lab — Gustav Kuhn’s MAGIC Lab uses magic to study questions about human cognition
Psychology of Magic — website for collaborators from UBC and McGill University
Martinez-Conde Laboratory — has information on the neuroscience of magic
Anthony Barnhart — blog on the science of magic (old blog here)
Canada's Magic — updates on the art of magic in Canada