


Perception Websites


Introduction to Perception

Bennett Schwartz — website for the textbook coauthor

Sensation and Perception Tutorials — created by textbook coauthor John Krantz

How does toothpaste work? — lists some general and specific ingredients in toothpaste

What’s Inside: Colgate Whitening Oxygen Bubbles Brisk Mint Toothpaste — doesn’t explain the whole orange juice/bad taste thing

Human Senses — companion website for the BBC TV series

How many senses does a human being have? — HowStuffWorks explores senses beyond the standard list of five

How the Blind Draw — suggests common factors in perception; from Scientific American magazine

Optical Illusion Spatial Geometric design Classic White Coffee Mug — buy your own!

What science still doesn’t know about the five senses — episodes from Vox’s Unexplainable podcast about our senses


Psychophysical Methods and Signal Detection Theory

Signal Detection Theory — good summary of SDT

Signal Detection Theory and the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC Curve) — interactive demo

Signal Detection Theory — another interactive demo

Signal detection theory — and one more interactive demo (use Google Chrome for this)

Popcorn Subliminal Advertising — Snopes debunks James Vicary’s subliminal advertising

The Subliminal Scares — dossier on subliminal stimuli in advertising (archive)

“Subliminal” Advertising — covers the history of so-called subliminal messages in ads

Snopes: Disney — Snopes investigates urban legends about Disney films

Backmasking — backwards messages in music?

Audio reversal in popular culture — more technical explanation; has backward messages (in AIFF format)



Neuroscience For Kids — great basic information on neuroscience--not just for kids!

Neuropsychology Central — excellent collection of links

Neuron — interactive neuron showing action potential

The Physical Factors Behind the Action Potential — concise summary with animations

The Whole Brain Atlas — see cross-sections of the brain, plus much more

Introductory Biological Psychology Tutorials — very useful for review purposes

Neural manifolds - The Geometry of Behaviour — YouTube video exploring new mathematical approaches to understadning neural coding

Carrot Myth Was A Key Ingredient To Britain's WWII Success — revisits the campaign to cover the development of Airborne Interception Radar


Introduction to Vision

Who was Ibn al-Haytham? — describes his life and findings

Vision and Cameras - Ibn al-Haytham — brief video bio

What Are Those Weird Floating Things You Sometimes See In Your Vision? — explains visual “floaters”

Comprehensive Eye Examinations — infographic from the Canadian Association of Optometrists

Optimum HDTV viewing distance — here are simple and complex calculators for finding the optimal screen size/viewing distance

TV Size to Distance Calculator and Science — explains the science behind this field-of-view calculator

Tips for Choosing the Best Sunglasses — gives 8 important tips

Webvision — online book on the organization of the vertebrate retina

Visual Acuity ↔ Hyperacuity — test your visual acuity with a Landolt ring or Vernier grating

Tricks of the eye, wisdom of the brain — explains how lateral inhibition works

Receptive Field Tutorial — with explanations and diagrams

Explore Your Blind Spot — brief online book explains your blind spot

Diffraction — explains this wave properties of light

A Pictorial Introduction to Fourier Analysis — good tutorial on Fourier analysis

Fourier Series Applet — interactive applet demonstrating how sine waves can make up any complex waveform

Make Your Own Campbell-Robson Contrast Sensitivity Chart — includes stimuli to measure your own CSF (archived)


Higher-Level Visual Processes

fMRI In 1000 Words — short and simple introduction to how fMRI works

No Face Like Home — blog about prosopagnosia by someone who has this condition

What are Visual Agnosias? — short descriptions of various agnosias, from the University of Calgary (archived)

visual form agnosia — a simulation of the experience of visual form agnosia

Brain Story: The Mind’s Eye — watch the documentary about vision online


Visual Attention

Anne Treisman — online encyclopedia article describing her life and work

Perception in Visualization — discusses preattentive processing in Feature Integration Theory

Where’s Waldo? — official Facebook page for the infuriating book series

Demos and Stimuli — videos of change blindness and inattentional blindness, from Daniel Simons’ lab

Examples of Change Blindness — from UBC’s Visual Cognition Lab

Change Blindness — from the Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science (with demos)

Counterfeit! — look for the difference between two copies of a painting (like change blindness)

Movie mistakes — you have to overcome change blindness to notice these

Confusing Colors (Stroop Effect) — try this interactive demo (archived)

Video Games and Learning — Dr Daphne Bavelier’s lab page describing her research on video games


Object Perception

Visual Dictionary Online — gives you the names for things based on what they look like

I Create Shadow Art From Trash — gallery showing shadow art (demonstrating the inverse projection problem)

50 Incredibly Creative Logos With Hidden Meanings — from Digital Synopsis

Watercolor illusion — many examples and extensive explanation of this illusion

Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter — Pascal Wallisch, NYU Professor of Psychology and Data Science, answers the internet's burning questions about illusions

Turn Your Head — get your face carved into a piece of wood

The Designer’s Guide to Gestalt Psychology — background and examples, with an eye to implications for design

What is MICR? — Magnetic Ink Character Recognition codes are printed a the bottom of cheques

The Pareidolia Project — faces, or just coincidence? You be the judge! (With more, and more!)


The Paranormal

Rhine Research Center — “Bridging the Gap between Science and Spirituality’ by studying parapsychology and extraordinary experiences

The Rhine Research Center — article on one of the world’s oldest and best-known foundations devoted to paranormal study

Extrasensory Perception Test (ESP Test) — online Zener card test: see if you’re psychic!

Advanced ESP Test — if the test above failed to confirm your psychic abilities, try this one instead!

PEAR — online encyclopedia article on the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab

Psychic dog phenomenon brought back down to earth — read about Jaytee; from the BBC

How Nostradamus Works — from How Stuff Works

Nostradamus Repository — click on “Random Quatrain” for a prediction and make up your own mind

James Randi Educational Foundation — website for the debunker of paranormal and pseudo-scientific claims

The Skeptic’s Dictionary — reference to all sorts of reputed psychic and unexplained phenomena


Colour Perception

Kings of Camouflage — watch this episode of NOVA

Hue-Saturation-Brightness (HSB) Explorer — interactive demo; also see RGB Explorer

Light Waves and Color — online tutorial from also has self-test questions

ColoRotate — learn about colour (iPad app also available)

Why The Ancient Greeks Couldn’t See Blue — AsapSCIENCE video on colour names

Metameric Matches — explore metamers with this interactive demo

ColorMatters — how colour affects us physiologically and psychologically

Subtractive Color Mixing and Additive Color Mixing — interactive demos of colour mixing

The First Colour Photographic Image — has a video demonstration of the process

CIE Chromaticity Diagram — interactive demo (Windows app also available)

Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage — official website

Online Color Blindness Simulators — reviews several online filters that simulate the experience of different forms of colour deficiencies

Spanish Castle — interactive colour afterimage--plus tutorial on creating your own [archived]

Induced Contrast Asynchrony — dynamic example of simultaneous contrast with grayscale stimuli

Color illusion — lots of great simultaneous colour contrast spirals by A. Kitaoka (follow him on X/Twitter for more!)

Why Your Brain Confuses Colors — Wired video of neuroscientist David Eagleman explaining #TheDress and other illusions using colour constancy

Square — another example of simultaneous colour contrast (archived)

Color and painting — excellent lecture from Handprint Media

Ishihara test for colour blindness — and more information about colour deficiency

Colour Vision Test — see whether you have protanopia, deuteranopia, or tritanopia (Windows and Android apps also available)

McCollough effect — Warning! May result in extremely long-lasting aftereffects


Depth and Size Perception

Depth Perception & Death Prevention: Babies’ Visual Instinct — brief history of the exploration of depth perception

Museum of Illusions — in-person museums in Montreal, Toronto, and more!

Thinky the Dragon — download free printable template from, designed in honour of magician Jerry Andrus

The Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective — shows the use of perspective in art (archived)

Brunelleschi and the Origin of Linear Perspective — describes the painting of the Baptistry in Florence (archived)

The Story of Community Bridge — a trompe l’oeil illusion (archived)

Some amazing pavement drawing illusions, by artists Julian Beever, Kurt Wenner, Manfred Stader, and Edgar Mueller

3D Painted Rooms — geometric shapes can be seen from only one viewing angle in these rooms

Illusions & Paradoxes — more illusions from Archimedes’ Laboratory

The Illusions Index — not just a gallery, this site also explains illusions

The Arrow in the Eye — on the psychology of perspective and Renaissance art

Stereo Photography — some examples of “wiggle stereoscopy”

How do you convert a movie to 3D, anyway? — explains how they converted Titanic to 3-D

Perception and The Art of 3D Storytelling — more info on 3-D moviemaking, using Coraline as an example (archived; original here)

Magic Eye® — many single-image random-dot stereograms

Autostereogram — history and explanation of autostereograms

M.C. Escher — see some of the neat artwork by this famous artist

View-Master — Wikipedia article about this classic toy



Your Thoughts Can Release Abilities beyond Normal Limits — describes research on how expectations can have surprising effects

Best Illusion of the Year Contest — this proves that there are still new illusions to be discovered!

Müller-Lyer — interactive demo of this illusion

Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena — another good collection of illusions

IllusionWorks — many more illusions, with some explanations

ColorCube — has some colour-based “optical” illusions

Light, Color and Seeing — DIY activities from the Exploratorium®

The moon illusion — short TED-Ed animated video about the moon illusion

The moon illusion — a brief description of the effect (archived)

The Moon Illusion, An Unsolved Mystery — a comprehensive introduction (archived)

Father-Son Scientists Confirm Why Horizon Moon Appears Larger — the Kaufmans’ explanation of the moon illusion

Rail Safety FAQ — rail safety information from Operation Lifesaver Canada (US site here)


Motion Perception

Stepping feet — blocks appear to “step” at equiluminance (also see radial version)

Footsteps — another version of the stepping feet, from Stuart Anstis

Structure from motion at equiluminance — change the luminance until the rotating sphere is just moving dots

Breathing Square Illusion — example of the rigidity heuristic in motion perception

Motion Demos — lots of cool motion demos

Wagon-wheel effect — interactive demo of the wagon wheel illusion as shown in class

Wagon Wheel Effect — YouTube video of this motion illusion

Motion Aftereffect — interactive demo of the motion effect with Buddha, as shown in class

BioMotionLab Demos & Experiments — different interactive versions of biological motion

Uncanny valley clips from YouTube:

Orville Redenbacher TV commercial

I, Robot movie trailer

Mass Effect Andromeda’s animations are getting compared to Pingu, robots and gorillas

The Uncanny Valley — Why are monster-movie zombies so horrifying and talking animals so fascinating? (archived)

Almost too human and lifelike for comfort — blog on the uncanny valley

The undead zoneSlate article on the uncanny valley in video games

Facial Action Coding System (FACS) - A Visual Guidebook — more info on the Ekman & Friesen system for cataloging facial expressions, with video clips of each action

Persistence of Vision — article by Stephen Herbert explains motion perception (archived)

How Movie Projectors Work — from How Stuff Works

The Hobbit’s 48 Frames Per Second Explained — a history of movie frame rates


Perception & Action

The mind’s mirror — introduction to research on “mirror neurons”

Mirror Neurons — video clip from NOVA scienceNOW

Mirror Neurons — provocative online paper by V.S. Ramachandran

Mirror Neurons And The Brain In The Vat — V.S. Ramachandran’s “sequel” to his original paper

iCub — website for the open-source iCub cognitive humanoid robotic platform

A Calm Look at the Most Hyped Concept in Neuroscience - Mirror Neurons — Wired magazine article reviews recent research

How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World" — Scientific American article that argues for a different model that integrates perception and action



Twenty Thousand Hertz — podcast about the stories behind the world’s most recognizable and interesting sounds, including:

Sound 101 (with Bill Nye!)

Sonic Seasoning

Noise Pollution

Voice of Siri

Everything You Should Know About Sound — from Wait But Why

Sound Waves and Music — online tutorial from also has self-test questions

Example Sounds -- Psychoacoustics — listen to examples of equal loudness vs. equal amplitude, masking, precedence effect, and more

How Hearing Works — online video from Scientific American

The Interactive Ear — a guide to human hearing

The Elements Of Acoustics And Psychoacoustics — basic physics of sound, and the sound/perception relationship

Acoustics FAQ — informal file of typical questions and answers on acoustical topics

Equal loudness contours and audiometry — test your hearing online and create your personal equal loudness curve

Video animations of traveling waves (.mpg format; view in continuous loop for best results): 250 Hz, 1000 Hz, 4000 Hz

Hearing pitch - right place, wrong time? — compares the competing theories of pitch perception

Listen to what gets lost when an MP3 is made — explanation and audio example based on the first-ever MP3 file, Suzanne Vega’s song, “Tom’s Diner”

QSoundLabs® — demos of QSound technology

Precedence Effect — listen to audio examples of the precedence effect


Noise and Hearing Loss

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss — explains the causes of NIHL and how to prevent it

Canadian Tinnitus Foundation — Facebook group

Noise Free America — describes some of the negative social effects of noise

NoiseOFF — the Citizens Coalition Against Noise Pollution

Quiet Communities — working together for a quieter world

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse — the NPC’s slogan is “Good neighbors keep their noise to themselves.”

Quiet! Our Loud World Is Making Us Sick — article from Scientific American describes the serious negative health outcomes caused by noise

Dying for some quiet: The truth about noise pollution — article from New Scientist

Please Get Your Noise Out of My Ears — Freakonomics podcast episode on the effects of noise

Silence, please — article from the APA’s Monitor on Psychology

One Square Inch — website (and book) about noise, and the quietest place in the United States

Mosquito Anti-Teenager Repellent Alarm — formerly called The Mosquito Anti-Loitering Device

Mosquito Ringtones — try to hear tones from 8 kHz to 22 kHz

Warning Signs of Hearing Loss — from Beltone, a hearing aid maker

Hearing Loss Simulator — try this interactive demo of hearing loss to experience what it’s like

Online Hearing Screener — 3-minute online hearing check (or try this online hearing test)

Causes of Hearing Loss — describes different causes and types of hearing loss

Sound Sense — hearing resources for teachers, kids, and parents

Dangerous Decibels — public health campaign against NIHL and tinnitus

Music Making Fans Deaf? — how the iPod generation may be losing its hearing without even knowing it, from Rolling Stone magazine

H.E.A.R. — Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers--rawk on! (But protect your hearing.) (archived)

Hearing Loss — great FAQ from Musicians’ Clinics of Canada

Etymotic Research, Inc. — quality online seller of earphones and ear protection

Wear It Right — instructions on how to put in earplugs

Protect your ears from noise — Still don’t know how to put in earplugs? Watch this short Consumer Reports video.

12 Hour Sound Machines (no loops or fades) — this Spotify “podcast” just plays variants on white noise, and has been streamed hundreds of millions of times


Music Perception

Virtual Piano — online “piano” you can play with your keyboard or mouse (here’s another)

Maqam World — learn more about the maqam or modal system used in classical Arabic music

Bouncing Off The Walls — article on concert hall design, from Lingua Franca magazine

The Institute for Music & Brain Science — advancing knowledge about the neurobiological foundations of music

Science and Art Converge in Concert Hall Acoustics — article on design and sound in concert halls

ZLab — researcher Robert Zatorre’s Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory

The Music Instinct: Science & Song — companion website for the PBS special

How music affects the brain — article on how Canadian researchers lead the way in understanding the neurological, psychological and cognitive basis of music

The Mozart Effect® — author Don Campbell’s website on The Mozart Effect®

Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major — listen to this Mozart piece--will it make you more intelligent?

The Mozart Effect — interactive look at TME and intelligence

Mozart effect — a more...scientific look at TME, from the Skeptic’s Dictionary

This Is Your Brain On Music — companion website to Daniel Levitin’s book

Musicophilia — companion website to Oliver Sacks’ book Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain



Myth or Science: The Secrets of Our SensesThe Nature of Things episode on multisensory/cross-modal perception

Synesthesia (Boing Boing remix) — video shown in class (full version is Red Mondays and Gemstone Jalapeños: The Synesthetic World)

The Synesthesia Battery — online test for synesthesia

Are You A Synesthete? 7 Synesthesia Tests to Find It Out — or try this quick self-test

Richard E. Cytowic — official homepage of the author of Synesthesia: A union of the senses

Do you see what they see? — article on synesthesia from Discover magazine

Everyday fantasia: The world of synesthesia — from Monitor on Psychology magazine

Music Animation Machine — gives visual experience of music

American Synesthesia Association — hosts an annual conference on synesthesia

Multisense Synaesthesia Toolkit — has a range of information on synesthesia

The Frog Who Croaked Blue — companion website for the book


The Cutaneous Senses

Why Physical Touch Matters for Your Well-Being — interview with touch researcher Tiffany Field

Why Light Touching Can Double Your Chances of Getting a Date — try this one weird trick!

Proxemics: How to Use the 4 Zones in ANY Social Situation — explains proxemics with lots of examples

Making public spaces safe after COVID-19 lockdown — explains social distancing in light of the pandemic

Professor hacks into nervous system — chip implant is designed to determine neural code

Intro to Vestibular System — explains the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular sense

The Neuroscience of Touch and Pain — online article from discusses the neural structures that mediate our experience of touch and pain

Liquid Trust — purported “social pheromone” spray

The Gate Control Model Opens a New Era in Pain Research — online exhibit from UCLA’s Biomedical Library (archived)

Ronald Melzack: Pain Pioneer — McGill University video about Melzack

Gate Control Theory of Pain — YouTube video with multiple choice questions

From Ramachandran’s Notebook — read about phantom limb pain at PBS Online



A matter of taste — article about Prof. Linda Bartoshuk and her research on taste

Tasty — book on the art and science of what we eat

McCormick Science Institute — researching the health effects of herbs and spices

Taste Disorders — a description from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

Challenging the Tongue Taste Map — shows how E.G. Boring misinterpreted earlier data

Peak Umami? — Wired explores the “fifth taste”

Society for Research on Umami Taste — professional organization for scientists studying umami

Umami--Our Fifth Taste — from the (probably completely unbiased) Glutamate Association

Why does orange juice taste bad after you brush your teeth? — an answer at last

A Tiny Fruit That Tricks the TongueNew York Times article on miracle fruit

Miracle fruit is available from Miracle Frooties,, and

Google Doodle for Wilbur Scoville’s 151st birthday — has online game!

Chile Heat Scale — describes Scoville Units for chili peppers

Superhot “Dragon’s Breath” Chili Pepper Can Kill. Here’s How — article on this spicy pepper (but Pepper X is now the world’s hottest!)

Some bravery as a side dish — here are 7 foods that truly require a fearless stomach

What Chili Peppers Can Teach Us about Pain — interview with 2021 Nobel Prize winner David Julius



Flavor: The Science of our Most Neglected Sense — book written by Edmontonian Bob Holmes

What the Nose Knows — book on “the science of scent in everyday life” by Avery Gilbert

How COVID-19 Causes Loss of Smell — describes research on SARS-CoV2

How to smell train — smell training can help recover a lost sense of smell

The Wine Aroma Wheel — order one from this website...

Wine aromas — ...or check out this free one

Monell Chemical Senses Center — independent scientific institute doing research on the senses of taste, smell, and chemosensory irritation

Reclaiming the Fifth SenseProof podcast episode giving a first-hand account of anosmia by writer Molly Birnbaum

Scents and sensibility — article about the effects of olfaction on cognition, emotion, and even other senses, from the APA Monitor on Psychology

Why Asparagus Makes Your Urine Smell — this article is about...well, it’s self-explanatory

What’s That I Smell? — article on the claims of aromatherapy, from Skeptical Inquirer magazine online