We have now gained enough experience to extract a se of rules - the Feynman rules - which in princple will allow the calculation of any quantum electrodynamics processs no mater how complicated they are.
In the 'th order of perturbation theory one has to draw all possible
topologically distinct Feynman diagrams with
vertices that have the
prescribed number of particles in the initial and final states (external
The amplitudes of all graphs have to be added coherently, taking into account the following phase factors.
Remark to 1.
For the construction of Feynman graphs only the topological structure is important. Since the theory was formulated in a relativistically covariant way all possible time orderings are automatically taken into account. As long as ordering of the vertices along the fermions lines is kept, the graphs can be arbitrarily defomed without changing their meaning.
For the
process, the
matrix element
can be written
![]() |
(7.368) |
where the essential physics is contained in the Lorentz covariant
The square root factors are due to the normalization of the incoming and
outgoing plan waves.
They are different for fermions and photons, this is expressed by the
normalization factor
![]() |
(7.369) |
The cross-section formula is
![]() |
(7.370) |
where the degeneracy factor is
![]() |
(7.371) |
if there are particles of the kind
in the final state.
The amplitude
is the invariant matrix element for the
process under consideration, and is given by the Feynman rules of the
For particles with non-zero spin, unpolarized cross-sections are
formed by averaging over initial spin components and summing over