
Welcome to the Digital Communities Broadband Portal and Repository. Digital Communities aims to provide a curated collection of resources on rural and community broadband. The collection is designed to be of use for a wide range of audiences – from local officials who may be considering broadband projects to researchers and citizens looking for information about broadband.

The Portal and Repository have stem from several discussions at various Digital Futures Symposiums held by the Van Horne Institute’s Centre for Information and Communications. Digital Communities reflects the interests of a diversity of participants at the Symposiums who have expressed a need for a platform to share resources.

Materials are available through the portal, and many documents are stored in the University of Alberta’s instructional repository (Education and Research Archive (ERA)). The project would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Kule Institute for Advance Study (KIAS), who provided seed money, and the University of Alberta Libraries (UAL), which has provided on-going support for the project. Digital Communities would not be possible without the support of KIAS and UAL, and the ongoing contribution of documents from individuals and groups across Alberta.

School of Library and Information Studies
Faculty of Education

Masters of Arts in Communication and Technology
Faculty of Extension

Kias Logo UAlberta logo ERA Logo