How to Reference Our Journal Papers in Welding Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy?
Students often ask me, "Out of hundreds and
thousands of technical papers, which ones should I read and reference?".
My answer has been, "Start searching with a good combination of key
words, and narrow down to a dozen papers that are highly relevant to
your key words".
Our papers below are listed in reverse chronological order, to help the
students identify most recent papers. I have grouped the papers into
research themes, subjects, topics, or key words. Many papers are
open-accessible, and many are effectively open-accessible. Those of you
who read the Welding Journal papers have long found them free to
download. Our following papers have won the best paper awards:
Y.J. Wang, Z. Lyu, Z. Wu, and L. Li, 2024,
"Al2O3-MnS Inclusions and Pitting Corrosion in
Weld Heat-affected Zone", Welding Journal, November 2024:
325-s to 337-s;
PDF available This paper won the
AWS 2025 W.F. Savage Award for "the greatest contribution to welding
W. N. Khan, R. Chhibber, N. Saini, Y.J. Wang, R. Kopparthi, S.
Choudhury, and L. Li, 2023, "Corrosion of Dissimilar GTA Welds for
Marine Applications", Welding Journal, (2023) 13-s to 23-s DOI:
10.29391/2023.102.02. This
paper won the 2024 Hobart Award for "a major contribution to
pipe welding, the structural use of pipe or similar applications".
R. Kannan, L. Li, L. Guo, N. Anderson, M. Rashid, L. Collins, and M.
Arafin, 2020, "Bond Formation Mechanism for Electric Resistance Welding
(ERW) of X70 Pipeline Steel", Welding Journal, DOI:
10.29391/2020.99.020. This
paper won the 2021 AWS Hobart Award.
J. Li, R. Kannan, M. Shi, and L. Li, 2020, "Solidified Microstructure of
Wear Resistant Fe-Cr-C-B Overlays", 51B (2020) 1291-1300. DOI:
10.1007/s11663-020-01863-3. This
paper is an Editor's Choice for inclusion in the 50th
Anniversary Collection of Metallurgical & Materials Transactions.
D. Liu, L. Li, M. Wu, W. Long, P. Wei, N. E. Anderson, R. Kannan, 2018,
"Development of nickel-added iron-based slag-free self-shielded
metal-cored wire", Welding Journal,
This paper DOI: 10.29391/2018.97.023 received the 2018 AWS A.F.
Davis Silver Medal Award for best contribution to welding
Wang, Y., Kannan, R., Zhang, L., and Li, L., 2017, "Microstructural
Analysis of the As-Welded Heat-Affected Zone of a Grade 91 Steel Heavy
Section Weldment", Welding Journal, 97(6), 161s-177s. This
paper received the AWS 2018 W. F. Savage Award for "the
greatest contribution to welding metallurgy".
Xu, P-Q., Zhou, D., Li, L., 2017, "Fiber Laser Welding of WC-Co and
Carbon Steel Dissimilar Materials", Welding Journal, 96(1),
1s-10s. This
paper received the 2018 AWS McKay-Helm Award for best
contribution to welding of metals.
Wang, Y., Li, L., 2016, "Fine-Grained Heat-Affected Zone in Type IV
Failure of Grade 91 Welds", Welding Journal, 95(1), 27-36s. This
paper received the 2017 AWS Hobart Award.
Silwal, B., Li, L., Deceuster, A., and Griffiths, B., 2013, "Effect of
Post-weld Heat Treatment on Toughness of Heat-affect Zone of Grade 91
Steel", Welding Journal, 92(3), 80s-86s. This
paper received the 2014 AWS Hobart Award.
Theme 1: Additive manufacturing of superalloys, stainless steels,
titanium, and Grade 91 steel; our efforts have been the solidification
mechanics, defects, and control of microstructure through process
parameters in the multipass multilayer deposits; our approach has been
clearly that of welding metallurgy, because we consider 3D printing as
multilayer welding under a special boundary condition - the base metal
serves as the substrate, not as the side grooves that hold the molten
pool. This theme also includes solid-state welding processes and process
modeling aimed for producing either joints or 3D printed layers. We
worked on ultrasonic, induction, or friction generated heat sources and
diffusion sources to produce bonds. Some processes, such as HF-ERW
(high-frequency electric-resistance welding), involve melting at the
initial stage of bond formation, but the liquid phase is expelled upon
upsetting, resulting in a solid-state joining.
Z. Lyu, T. Lienert, and L. Li, 2024, "Quantification of delta-Ferrite
and Austenite Retention in Laser-DED Deposited Martensitic Stainless
Steel", Journal of Materials
Research and Technology, 31 (2024) 2762-2773. Open Access PDF
available here.
Z. Lyu, B.E. Lang, T. Lienert, and L. Li, 2024, "Effects of Preheating
on the Microstructure of Laser-DED AISI 420", Welding Journal (WJRS
Letters), to be printed in December 2024 issue; online available: PDF
freely available here.
J. Lin, J. Wang, C. Xu, B. Li, B. Chen, P. Xu, and L. Li, 2023,
"Pre-placed metal strip-based laser additive manufacturing on grade-5
titanium alloy: Effect of laser parameters and additive materials on
formation, oxidation resistance and wear resistance", Metals,
2023, 13, 1372. Open Access PDF
available here.
Y. Li, F. Qin, C. Liu, L. Li, X. Zhao, Z. Wu, 2019, "Influence of
annealing treatment on microstructure evolution and mechanical
property of friction stir welded AZ31 Mg alloy", J. Wuhan University
of Technology - Mater. Sci. Edition, 34(2), 417-425. DOI:
Li, Y., Qin, F., Liu, C., Li, L., and Wu, Z., 2018, "Influence of
rotation rate on microstructure and comprehensive performance of FSWed
Mg alloy", J. Materials Engineering & Performance, (2018) 27(11):
Wang, Y., Rao, M., Li, L., Luo, G., Shen, Q, and Zhang, L., 2016,
"Accelerated Bonding of Magnesium and Aluminum with a CuNi/Ag/CuNi
Sandwich Interlayer by Plasma Activated Sintering", Metallurgical &
Materials Transactions A, 47A(2), 631-636.
Wang, Y., Luo, G., Li, L., Shen, Q., and Zhang, L., 2014, "Formation of
Intermetallic Compounds in Mg-Ag-Al Joints during Diffusion Bonding",
J. Materials Science, doi: 10.1007/s10853-014-8440-8.
Li, L., Deceuster, A., and Zhang, C., 2014, "Laser Repair of
Directionally Solidified Superalloys", Welding Research Council
Bulletin, #543, ISSN 0043-2326, May 2014, New York, NY.
Xu, P-Q., Li, L., 2017, "Microstructure of Fiber Laser Deposited of
WC-Co Cemented Carbide and Carbon Steel", Materials Science
Forum, 879, 2138-2143.
Li, L., Deceuster, A., and Zhang, C., 2014, "Laser Repair of
Directionally Solidified Superalloys", Welding Research Council
Bulletin, #543, ISSN 0043-2326, May 2014, New York, NY.
Li, L., 2013, "Thermomechanical phenomena in pulsed laser powder
deposition", Section on "Thermal Stresses Induced by Laser Heating",
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Edited by Richard B. Hetnarski,
Springer, 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2739-7
Zhang, C., Kallam, R., Deceuster, A., Dasu, A., and Li, L., 2011,
"A Thermal-mechanical Coupled Finite Element Model with Experimental
Temperature Verification for Vertically Stacked FPGAs",
Microelectronic Engineering, 91 (2012) 24-32.
Lienert, T., Zhou, N., and Li, L. (Editors) 2011, Division
"Solid-State Welding Processes", ASM Handbook, Volume 6 Welding
Fundamentals and Processes.
Li, L., Deceuster, A., and Zhang, C., 2012, "Effect of Process Parameters on Pulsed-Laser Repair of a Directionally-Solidified Superalloy", Metalography, Microstructure, & Analysis, 1(2):
Li, L., and Zhang, C., 2011, Chapter "Fundamentals of Ultrasonic
Welding", ASM Handbook, Volume 6 Welding Fundamentals and
Zhang, C., Li, L., and Deceuster, A., 2011, "Thermomechanical
Analysis of Multi-bead Pulsed Laser Powder Deposition of a
Nickel-based Superalloy", Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 211 (2011) 1478-1487.
Deceuster, A., Stewardson, G., and Li, L., 2011,
"Precision Laser Welding of Thin Structures", Modern Welding
Technology (Chinese), 2011 (5), #101: J1-J4. (re-publication of
translated July 2010 Welding Journal paper.
Deceuster, A., Stewardson, G., and Li, L., 2010, "Precision Laser
Welding of Thin Structures", Welding Journal, July
2010, 89(7), 38-41.
Zhang, C., and Li, L., 2010, "Effect of Substrate Dimensions on
Dynamics of Ultrasonic Consolidation", Ultrasonics, 50(2010),
Zhang, C., and Li, L., 2009, "A Coupled Thermal-Mechanical
Analysis of Ultrasonic Bonding Mechanism", Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions B, 40B(2), 196-207.
Zhang, C., Deceuster, A., and Li, L., 2009, "A Method for Bond
Strength Evaluation for Laminated Structures with Application to
Ultrasonic Consolidation", Journal of Materials Engineering and
Performance, 18(8), 1124-1132.
Mahapatra, M.M., and Li, L., 2008, "A Study of Deposit Profiles
for Pulsed-laser Powder Deposition of a Superalloy", P I MECH ENG
Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 222(12),
Chen, H., Li, L., and Yu, W., 2008, "Multiscale Finite Element
Analysis of Bulk Nano-Particle Fabrication by a Mechanical Method",
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209 (2009),
Zhang, C., and Li, L., 2008, "A Friction-Based Finite Element
Analysis of Ultrasonic Consolidation", Welding Journal, 87(7),
Kar, T., Scheiner, S., and Li, L., 2008 "Theoretical Investigation
on the Mechanism of LiH + NH3 -> LiNH2 + H2 Reaction", Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem, 857 (2008) 111-114.
Li, L., 2006, "Repair of directionally solidified superalloy
GTD-111 by laser-engineered net shaping", Journal of Materials
Science, 41:7886-7893.
Theme 2: On weldability of steels and alloys, I have studied hot cracking and liquation cracking in stainless and nickel-based alloys, reheat or stress-relaxation cracking in Cr-Mo and stainless steels, hydrogen or quench cracking, and Type-IV (i.e., cracking in the inter-critical heat-affected zone) cracking.
T. Ren, J. Wiskel, G. Lehnhoff, D. Ivey, L. Li, L. Collins, M. Gaudet, E. Willett, H. Henein, 2025, "The Effect of CWTSAW on Toughness of Heavy-Gauge X70: Part I - Correlating HAZ Microstructure with Cold Wire Feed Rate", Welding Journal, DOI: 10.29391/2025.104.008. PDF available here.
L. Li, K. Ravikiran, N. Sharma, S. Dev Choudhury, R. Kannan, M. J. Gaudet, and N. Anderson, 2024, "Dissolution of Nb(C,N) during Post-Weld Heat-Treatment of Electric-Resistance Welded X70 Line Pipe", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-024-07496-4. PDF available here.
K. Ravikiran, P. Xu, and L. Li, 2024, "A Critical Review on High-Frequency Electric-Resistance Welding of Linepipe", J. Manufacturing Processes, 124 (2024) 753-777. PDF for open access here.
J. Li, P. Yu, N. Saini, L. Li, 2024, "Crack-Tip Opening Displacement of Girth Welds in a Lean X70 Pipeline Steel", Materials, 2024, 17, 391. PDF available here.
K. Ravikiran, L. Li, N. Sharma, N. Anderson,
Y. Wang, S. Choudhury, N. Saini, M. Rashid, 2024, "Post-Weld Heat-Treatment on Toughness of Electric-Resistance Welded X70 Steel", Welding Journal, July (2024) 1s-16s. DOI: 10.29391/2024.103.017. PDF available here.
K. Ravikiran, L. Li, and G. Lehnhoff, N. Sharma, R. Kannan, N. Saini, S. Choudhury, and Z. Lyu, 2023, "Microstructure and Texture of As-Welded HF-ERW Joint of
X65 Pipeline Steel", Materials Chemistry & Physics, 302 (2023) 127758.
available here.
M. Shi, M. Di, J. Zhang, R. Kannan, J. Li, X. Yuan, and L. Li,
2021, "Effect of Initial Microstructure on Toughness of Coarse-grained Heat-affected Zone in a Microalloyed Steel", Materials, 2021,
14(16), 4760. PDF available at
N. Sharma, R. Kannan, L. Li, N. Anderson, M. Rashid, L. Collins, J. Poplawsky, and R. Unocic, 2021, "A Mechanism for Carbon Depletion at Bondline of High-frequency Electric-Resistance Welded X70 Pipeline Steel", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-021-06339-w.
N. Saini, R. S. Mulik, M. M. Mahapatra, and L. Li, 2022, "Effect of preheating temperature on retention of delta-ferrite in Grade P92
steel welds", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B, DOI
Y. Wang, R. Kannan, and L. Li, 2020, "Insight into Type IV Cracking of Grade 91 Steel Weldments", Materials & Design, 190 (2020) 108570. PDF available at DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108570.
N. Huda, Y. Wang, L. Li, and A. Gerlich, 2019, "Effect of Martensite-Austenite (MA) Distribution on Mechanical Properties of Inter-Critical Reheated Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone in X80 Linepipe Steel", Materials Science & Engineering A, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2019.38301.
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, M. Nouri, D-Y. Li, and L. Li, 2018,
"Instrumented Indentation Study of Bainite/Martensite Duplex Microstructure", Materials Science & Engineering A, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2017.12.052.
Y. Wang, R. Kannan, and L. Li, 2018, "Correlation between
Intercritical Heat-affected Zone and Type IV Creep Damage Zone in Grade 91 Steel", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, DOI:
Y. Wang, L. Li, and R. Kannan, 2018, "Transition from Type IV to Type I Cracking in Heat-Treated Grade 91 Steel Weldments", Materials Science & Engineering A, DOI:
Y. Wang, D-Y. Park, and L. Li, 2017, "Microstructural Analysis of
Fracture in Heat-affected Zone of Two X70 Pipeline Steel Weldments", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, DOI:
J. Tang, B. Chen, Y. Shi, and L. Li, 2017, "Effect of
Welding Parameters under a Constant Heat Input on Formation of
Overlay and Coarse-Grained Heat-affected Zone", Electric
Welding Machines, 47(7), 6-9. (in Chinese)
D-Y. Park, B. S. Amirkhiz, J-P. Gravel, Y. Wang, L. Li,
R. Zavadil, J. Liang, P. Liu, A. He, and M. Arafin, 2017, "Effect of
Heat-Affected Zone Microstructure on Fracture Toughness of Two X70
Pipe Girth Welds", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A,
48A(7), 3248-3260
Wang, Y., Kannan, R., Zhang, L., and Li, L., 2017,
"Microstructural Analysis of the As-Welded Heat-Affected Zone of a
Grade 91 Steel Heavy Section Weldment", Welding Journal,
97(6), 161s-177s. Paper received the AWS 2018 W. F. Savage Award for the greatest contribution to welding metallurgy.
Wang, Y., Kannan, R., and Li, L., 2016, "Characterization of
As-Welded Microstructure of Heat-affected Zone in Modified
9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb Steel Weldment", Materials Characterization, 118
(2016) 225-234.
Wang, Y., Li, L., 2016, "Fine-Grained Heat-Affected Zone in Type
IV Failure of Grade 91 Welds", Welding Journal, 95(1),
27-36s. Paper received the 2017 AWS Hobart Award for pipe welding.
Wang, Y., Kannan, R., and Li, L., 2016, "Identification and
Characterization of Intercritical Heat-Affected Zone in As-welded
Grade 91 Weldment", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A,
47(12), 5680-5684.
Li, L., Silwal, B., and Deceuster, A., 2016, "Creep Rates in
Heat-affected Zone of Grade 91 Welds Determined by Stress-relaxation
Tests", Int. J. Pressure Vessel & Piping, 146 (2016),
Xu, P-Q., Zhou, D., Li, L., 2017, "Fiber Laser Welding of WC-Co
and Carbon Steel Dissimilar Materials", Welding Journal, 96(1),
1s-10s. Paper received the 2018 AWS McKay-Helm Award for best contribution to welding of metals.
Xu, P-Q., Li, L., and Zhang, C., 2013, "Microstructure
Characterization of Laser Welded Ti-6Al-4V Fusion
Zones", Materials Characterization, 87C (2014),
179-185. doi:/10.1016/j.matchar.2013.11.005.
Silwal, B., Li, L., Deceuster, A., and Griffiths, B., 2013,
"Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Toughness of Heat-affect Zone
of Grade 91 Steel", Welding Journal, 92(3), 80s-86s. Paper received the 2014 AWS Hobart Award for best contribution to pipe welding.
Li, L., 2013, "Thermomechanical phenomena in pulsed laser powder
deposition", Section on "Thermal Stresses Induced by Laser Heating",
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, Edited by Richard
B. Hetnarski, Springer, 2013. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-2739-7
Lienert T., Balmforth, M., Brandi, S., Grubb, J., Hochanadel, P.,
Li, L., Perricone, M., El Sawy, A., and Stratton, P., 2011, Chapter
5: "Stainless and Heat Resistant Steels", in Welding Handbook (9th
Edition), American Welding Society, Miami, Florida, USA,
Li, L., and Davis, T., 2007, "Effects of Purging Gas Oxygen Levels
on Surface Structure and Mechanical Properties of GTA Welded Type 304
Stainless Steel Tube", Journal of Advanced Materials, 39(4),
Li, L., Liu, Z., and Snow, M., 2006, "Effect of Defects on Fatigue
Strength of GTAW Repaired Cast Aluminum Alloy", Welding Journal, 85(11), 264s-270s.
Li, L., Orme, K., and Yu, W., 2005, "Effect of Joint Design on
Mechanical Properties of AL7075 Weldment", Journal of Materials
Engineering and Performance, 14(3), 322-326.
Li, L., and Messler, R.W., Jr., 2003, "Effects of Phosphorus and
Sulfur on Susceptibility to Weld Hot Cracking in Austenitic Steels",
WRC Bulletin 480, ISSN 0043-2326 (ISBN 1-58145-487-2), Welding
Research Council, April 2003, New York, NY.
Li, L., and Messler, R.W., Jr., 2002, "Segregation of Phosphorus
and Sulfur in Heat-affected Zone of 308 Stainless Steel",
Riv. Ital. Saldatura (Italian Welding Journal), No.4
Lugligo/Agosto 2002, 511-518.
Li, L., and Messler, R.W., Jr., 2002, "Dissolution Kinetics of
NbC Particles in Type 347 Stainless Steel", Metallurgical &
Materials Transactions A, 33A(7), 2031-2043.
Li, L., and Messler, R.W. Jr., 2002, "Segregation of Phosphorus
and Sulfur in Heat-affected Zone Hot Cracking of Type 308 Stainless Steel", Welding Journal, 81(5),
78s-84s. pdf
Li, L., and Messler, R. W. Jr., 2001, "Separating Effects of
Phosphorus and Sulfur in Weld Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steels for Technological and Economic Benefits", Journal of Advanced
Materials, 33(4), 3-13.
Li, L., and Messler, R. W. Jr., 2000, "Stress Relaxation Study of
Heat-Affected Zone Reheat Cracking in Type 347", Welding
Journal, 79(6), 136s-144s.
Li, L., and Messler, R. W. Jr., 1999, "The Effect of Phosphorus and
Sulfur on Susceptibility to Weld Hot Cracking in Austenitic Stainless
Steels", Welding Journal, 78(12), 477-s.
Messler, R. W., Jr., and Li, L., 1997, "Weld Heat-affected Zone Liquation Cracking in Type 347 Stainless Steels", Intl. J. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2(2), pp. 43-52.
Theme 3: On corrosion of welds and microstructural and chemical effects on corrosion of steels, the following paper discussed pitting corrosion, flow-accelerated corrosion in piping systems.
Y.J. Wang, Z. Lyu, Z. Wu, and L. Li, 2024,
"Al2O3-MnS Inclusions and Pitting Corrosion in
Weld Heat-affected Zone", Welding Journal, November 2024:
325-s to 337-s;
PDF available This paper won the
AWS 2025 W.F. Savage Award for "the greatest contribution to welding
Y.J. Wang, Z. Lyu, Z. Wu, and L. Li, 2024, "Effect of Fusion Boundary
Microstructure on Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Cracking",
Materials, 2024, 17, 2026. PDF available here.
Y.J. Wang, L. Li, Z. Lyu, N. Saini, and Z. Wu, 2022, "Flow-Accelerated
Corrosion Damage in a Steam-Pipe Girth Weld", Journal of Materials
Engineering & Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-022-07353-8.
W. N. Khan, R. Chhibber, N. Saini, Y.J. Wang, R. Kopparthi, S.
Choudhury, and L. Li, 2023, "Corrosion of Dissimilar GTA Welds for
Marine Applications", Welding Journal, (2023) 13-s to 23-s
DOI: 10.29391/2023.102.02.
This paper won the 2024 Hobart Award on pipe welding and
technology from American Welding Society.
M. Wu, F. Liu, J. Pu, N. Anderson, L. Li, and D. Liu, 2017,
"Microstructure and Pitting Resistance of Weld Joints of 2205 Duplex
Stainless Steel", Journal of Materials Engineering &
Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-2976-0.
Zaveri, N., Mahapatra, M., Deceuster, A., Peng, Y., Li, L., and Zhou,
A., 2008, "Corrosion Resistance of Pulsed Laser-treated Ti-6Al-4V
Implant in Simulated Biofluids", Electrochimica Acta, 53 (2008)
Theme 4: On complex microstructure effects on mechanical properties by post-weld heat-treatment and long-time service aging, our papers discussed the microstructure, temperature, and cyclic load interactions in fatigue at high temperatures, creep, Charpy impact toughness, and fracture toughness (J_IC and CTOD). Some papers are on general physical metallurgy of nickel-based alloys and ferrous alloys and high-entropy alloys.
K. Ravikiran, L. Li, G. Lehnhoff, and Y. Wang, 2024, "Crystallographic texture before and after post weld heat treatment of high-frequency electric resistance welded API X65 linepipe", Materials Science and Technology, pdf available here.
S. Dev Choudhury, W. N. Khan, and
L. Li, 2024, "Fatigue life predictions for welded boiler water walls",
International J. Pressure Vessels & Piping, (2024)
105328. DOI:10.1016/j.ijpvp.2024.105328.
Z. Lyu, R. Kannan, N. Saini, J. Li, and L. Li, 2024, "Degradation of a Cr-Mo Steel by Carbide Precipitation over Long-term Service", Materials Science & Engineering A, 898 (2024) 146345. PDF available here.
M. Karimzadeh, M. Malekan, H. Mirzadeh, N. Saini, M. Farhani, and L. Li, 2024, "Hot Deformation Analysis of As-cast CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy Using Arrhenius-type and Artificial Neural Network Models", Intermetallics,168 (2024), 108240. PDF available here.
M. Karimzadeh, M. Malekan, H. Mirzadeh, L. Li, and N. Saini, 2022,
"Effects of Titanium Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical
Properties of Quaternary CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy", Materials
Science & Engineering A, 856 (2022) 143971, DOI:
S. Dev Choudhury, N. Saini, Z. Lyu, R. Kopparthi, Z. Tervonen, and
L. Li, 2022, "Effect of hydrostatic preload on strain hardening
and strain aging of boiler tubes",
International J. Pressure Vessels & Piping, 200 (2022)
Du, K., Huang, S., Shi, M., Li, L., Huang, H., Zhang, S., Zheng,
W., Yuan, X., 2021, "Effects of biaxial tensile mechanical properties and non-integer exponent on description accuracy of anisotropic yield behavior", Materials & Design 212 (2021) 110210,
PDF available at
L. Li, R. Kannan, Y. Wang, N. Sharma, 2020, "Microstructural Aging and Property
Degradation of Service-Exposed 1Cr-1/2Mo Coke Drums", Materials Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2020.1852665.
N. Sharma, L. Li, Y. Wang, S. D. Choudhury, A. Suzuk, and M. Garcia, 2020, "Differences in Service-Exposed and Artificially-Aged Microstructure and Tensile Properties of ASTM A204 Grade C Steel", Materials Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2020.1852667.
N. Saini, R. Mulik, M. Mahapatra, R. Kannan, N. Sharma, and L. Li, 2020, "Dissolution of delta-Ferrite and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties of P92 Steel Welds", Materials Science & Engineering A, DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2020.139370.
R. Kannan, L. Li, L. Guo, N. Anderson, M. Rashid, L. Collins, and M. Arafin, 2020, "Bond Formation Mechanism for Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) of X70 Pipeline Steel", Welding Journal, DOI: 10.29391/2020.99.020. This paper won the 2021 AWS Hobart Award on pipeline welding and pipeline technology.
N. Saini, R. Mulik, M. Mahapatra, N. Sharma, and L. Li, 2020, "Dissolution of Laves Phase by Re-austenitization and Tempering of CSEF Steel", Materials Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2020.1724404.
M. Shi, R. Kannan, J. Zhang, X. Yuan, and L. Li, 2019, "Effect of Zr Microalloying on Austenite Grain Size of Low-Carbon Steels", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B, DOI: 10.1007/s11663-019-01701-1.
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, J. Poplawski, S. S. Babu, and L. Li, 2019, "Cascading phase transformations in high carbon steel
resulting in formation of inverse bainite: An atomic scale
investigation", Scientific Reports, (2109)9:5597. PDF available at DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42037-9.
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, and L. Li, 2019, "Banded Microstructure in a Low Alloyed Eutectoid Steel", Materials Science &
Technology, DOI:
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, R. Bannister, M. Rashid, and L. Li, 2018,
"Homogenization of Austenite During Non-Equilibrium Heating in Hypereutectoid Steels", Materials Science & Technology, DOI:
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, L. Li, 2018, "A Thermodynamics Study of Inverse Bainitic Transformation", J. Materials Science, DOI:
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, L. Li, 2017, "A Dilatometric Analysis of
Inverse Bainite Transformation", J. Materials Science, DOI:
R. Kannan, Y. Wang, and L. Li, 2017, "Microstructure
Evolution of Inverse Bainite in a Hypereutectoid Low Alloy Steel",
Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, DOI:
Kannan, R., Wang, Y., and Li, L., 2017, "Inverse Bainite
Microstructure in Fe-0.84C-1Cr-1Mn Hypereutectoid Low Alloy
Steel", Metallurgical & Materials Transactions A, 48(3),
Fox, S., and Li, L., 2012, "Expanding the scope of prosumption:
a framework for analyzing potential contributions from advances in
materials technologies", Technological Forecasting & Social
Change, 79 (2012) 721-733.
Li, L., and Virta, J., 2011 "Ultra-high Strength Steel Wires
Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation for Ultrafine Grained
Microstructure", Materials Science & Technology, 27(5),
Zhang, C., and Li, L., 2010, "Characterization and Design of
Through-silicon Via Arrays in 3-dimensional ICs Based on
Thermomechanical Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Electron
Devices, 58(2), 279-287.
Zhang, C., Dasu, A., and Li, L., 2010, "Thermo-Mechanical Model of
Stacked Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with Through-Silicon
Vias (TSVs)", Electronics Letters, 45(24), 1236-1238.
Kar, T., Scheiner, S., and Li, L., 2008 "Theoretical Investigation
on the Mechanism of LiH + NH3 -> LiNH2 + H2 Reaction", Journal of
Molecular Structure: Theochem, 857 (2008) 111-114.
Li, L., 2007, "Mechanical Properties of Cast Nickel Base
Superalloys -- An Interpretive Report", Welding Research Council
Bulletin 518, ISBN 1-58145-525-9, ISSN 0043-2326, Jan. 2007, New
York, NY.
Li, L., 2006, "High Performance Cast Gamma Prime Strengthened
Nickel Base Superalloys -- An Interpretive Report", Welding
Research Council (WRC) Bulletin 511, ISSN 0043-2326 (ISBN
No. 1-58145-518-6) Welding Research Council, May 2006, New York,
NY; 117 pages.
Theme 5: On failure analysis of engineering structures including welds, our approach has been a combination of metallurgical and numerical methods.
S. Dev Choudhury, W. Khan, Z. Lyu, L. Li, 2023, "Failure Analysis of Blowholes in Welded Boiler Water Walls", Engineering Failure Analysis, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2023.107560. PDF available here.
S. Dev Choudhury, L. Li, N. Saini, W. Khan, Z. Lyu, K. Ravikiran, 2023, "3D characterization of internal defects for fatigue performance of welded SA192 steel water walls", International J. Pressure Vessels & Piping, 202 (2023) 104922. PDF available here.
N. Saini, Y. Wang, and L. Li, 2022, "Failure analysis of
once-through steam generator (OTSG) external piping welds", Journal of Failure Analysis & Prevention, DOI:
J. Li, Y.J. Wang, N. Sharma, Z. Lyu, S. Choudhury, and L. Li,
2021, "Fracture of Ni-Cr-Si-B Thermal Spray Coated Steel
Reciprocating Pump Rods During Straightening", Engineering
Failure Analysis, DOI:
Y. Wang, R. Kannan, L. Li, Y. Suzuk, D. Ting, S. Yuen, and
M. Garcia, 2018, "Jagged Cracking in the Heat-Affected Zone of Weld Overlay on Coke Drum Cladding", Engineering Failure Analysis,
85(3), 14-25. DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2017.12.006.
C. DiGiovanni, L. Li, R. Driver, and L. Callele, 2017, "Cracking
in Welded Steel Platform Structures During Hot-dip
Galvanization", Engineering Failure Analysis, 79(2017),
Li, L., 2004 "Failure Analysis of Aluminum Alloy Swing Arm Welded
Joints", Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 4(3),
Theme 6: On alloy design, phase transformations, and performance of overlays, particularly the CWI (Chrome White Iron), we quantified the contributions of alloying elements.
J. Li, Z. Lyu, M. Shi, and L. Li, 2023, "Aluminum Inoculated
Overlay Microstructure for an Enhanced Scratch Resistance",
Tribology International, DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2023.108549. PDF available here.
W. N. Khan, R. Chhibber, N. Saini, R. Kopparthi, Z. Tervonen, and
L. Li, 2023, "Development and performance of ochre
(anhyd. Fe2O3) added CaO-CaF2-TiO2-SiO2 fluxes for welding electrode",
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, DOI: 10.1007/s40831-023-00650-z. PDF available here.
J. Li, R. Kannan, M. Shi, Z. Lyu, and L. Li, 2020, "Viability of Button Melting for Accelerated Development of Chromium Carbide Overlay", Materials Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128455.
J. Li, R. Kannan, M. Shi, and L. Li, 2020, "Solidified Microstructure of Wear Resistant Fe-Cr-C-B Overlays", PDF available at Metallurgical and Materials Transactions 50th Anniversary Collection, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B, 51B (2020) 1291-1300. DOI: 10.1007/s11663-020-01863-3.
D. Liu, W. Long, M, Wu, L. Li, and P. Wei, 2019, "Microstructure and Wear Performance of Co-containing Iron-based Slag-free
Self-shielded Flux-cored Wire", J. Materials Engineering &
Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-019-04002-5.
D. Liu, R. Kannan, Y. Wang, W. Long, M, Wu, and L. Li, 2019,
"Effect of Mo on microstructure and wear resistance of slag-free self-shielded metal-cored welding overlay", J. Materials
Processing Technology,
D. Liu, M. Wu, W. Long, P. Wei, and L. Li, 2018, "Effect of
simultaneous addition of ferroniobium and ferrotitanium on properties of hardfacing", Materials Science & Technology,
DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2018.1524053.
D. Liu, L. Li, M. Wu, W. Long, P. Wei, N. E. Anderson, R. Kannan,
2018, "Development of nickel-added iron-based slag-free
self-shielded metal-cored wire",
Welding Journal, DOI: 10.29391/2018.97.023. Paper received the 2018 AWS A.F. Davis Silver Medal Award for best contribution to welding surfacing.
Carvalho, M. C., Wang, Y., Souza, J. A. S., Braga,
E. M., and Li, L., 2015, "Characterization of Phases and Defects in Chromium Carbide Overlays Deposited by SAW Process",
Engineering Failure Analysis, 60, 374-382.
Chen, B., Han, F., Huang, Y., Lu, K., Liu, Y., and Li, L., 2009,
"Influence of Nanoscale Marble (Calcium Carbonate CaCO3) on
Properties of D600R Surfacing Electrode", Welding Journal,
88(5), 99s-103s.
Chen, B., Zhang, Z., Huang, Y., Li, L., and Lu, Q.,
2008, "Thermal Simulation Analysis of Welding Repair Process for
Roller Material Cr3", Welding & Joining (in Chinese). doi:
Theme 7: On welding inspection robotics, sensors, and machine learning, we have made some recent efforts with collaborators like Prof. P-Q Xu of Shanghai, and gained some interesting insights.
J. Wang, B. Li, Z.Y. Li, P. Xu, L. Li, 2024, "A Real-time and
Lightweight Driver Fatigue Detection Model Using Anchor-free and
Visual-attention Mechanisms", Applied Intelligence, Download link here
F. Zhang, L. Li, P. Xu, and P. Zhang, 2024, "Enhanced Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance by High-precision Mapping and Positioning", Sensors, 2024, 24, 3100. PDF available here.
J. Wang, L. Li, and P. Xu, 2023, "Visual Sensing and Depth Perception for Welding Robots and Their Industrial Applications", Sensors, 2023, 23(24),
9700. PDF available here
J. Wang, P. Xu, L. Li, F. Zhang, 2023, "DAssd-Net: A lightweight steel surface defect detection model based on multi-branch dilated convolution aggregation and multi-domain perception
detection head", Sensors, 2023, 23, 5488. PDF available here.
P. Zhang, J. Wang, F. Zhang, P-Q. Xu, L. Li, and B. Li, 2022, "Design and analysis
of welding inspection robot", Scientific Reports, (2022) 12:22651. DOI: 10.21203/s41598-022-27209-4. PDF available here.
J. Li, B. Cao, H. Chen, and L. Li, 2022, "Accelerated design of
chromium carbide overlays via design of experiment and machine
learning", Materials Letters, DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2022.133672.
Y. Li, C. Liu, Z. Wu, L. Li, 2020, "GMAW Molten
Pool Micrograph Image Recognition Based on Convolution Neural
Network and Transfer Learning", Acta Microscopica, 29(5),
Theme 8: Welding distortions and residual stresses are important driving forces for cracking during or immediately after welding; they also significantly affect the mechanical strength and structural stability of the welded structures. Our papers have discussed both experimental measurements and numerical solutions.
D. Unsworth, R. Driver, L. Li, S. Twizell, and A. Imanpour 2021, "Characterization of Residual Stresses for LTB Simulations of Modern Welded Girders", J. Constructional Steel Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2021.106769.
D. Unsworth, R. Driver, and L. Li, 2020, "Measurement and Prediction of Residual Stresses in Welded Girders", J. Constructional Steel Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2020.106007.
Theme 9: On brazing of ceramic materials, we looked at wetting of ceramic, WC, or steel substrates by brazing alloys.
N. Sharma, R. Kannan, J. Hogan, G. Fisher, and L. Li, 2021, "Progress in Improving Joint Strength of Brazed Cemented Carbides and Steels", Science & Technology of Welding & Joining, DOI: 10.1080/13621718.2021.1931764.
Z. Ma, M. Zhang, L. Li, F. Xia, and Z. Xu, 2020, "Effect of
Al-Si alloy coating on interfacial reactions and tensile strength in
the Ti/Al dissimilar brazing joints", International J. Materials Research, DOI: 10.3139/146.111971.
Chen, H., Li, L., Kemps, R., Michielsen, B., Jacobs, M., Snijkers,
F., and Middelkoop, V., 2015, "Reactive Air Brazing for Sealing
Mixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Hollow Fibre Membranes",
Acta Materialia, 88 (2015) 74-82.
Chen, H., Li, L., Kemps, R., Michielsen, B., Jacobs, M., Snijkers, F.,
and Middelkoop, V., 2015, "Supplementary Material: Reactive Air
Brazing for Sealing Mixed Ionic Electronic Conducting Hollow Fibre
Acta Materialia,